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Personal Information:


Main positions:Professor
Degree:Doctoral degree
School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University

Ming Tang


Gender: Male

Education Level: Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Alma Mater: University of Maryland, College Park

Paper Publications

Petrogenesis of the Early Cretaceous adakite-like porphyries and associated basaltic andesites in the eastern Jiangnan orogen, southern China

Impact Factor:0.0
Journal:Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
Indexed by:Journal paper
Page Number:243-256
Translation or Not:no
Included Journals:SCI
First Author:Xiao-Lei Wang*
All the Authors:Xu-Jie Shu,Xisheng Xu,Ming Tang,Richard Gaschnig
Date of Publication:2012-01-01