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Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences



Alma Mater: University of Southampton, UK

Personal Profile

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Dr. Liao Chang is an Associate Professor (with tenure) and Principal Investigator at the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University. He is heading an active research group of several post-docs and students specialised in magnetic analyses of natural materials, addressing a wide range of problems in rock and mineral magnetism, environmental magnetism, and marine geology & geophysics.

Current research projects focus on the use of magnetic mineral records to understand the evolution of Earth systems, including climatic, tectonic, geological and geophysical processes. The group studies the magnetic mineral assemblages to decode magnetic signals of natural materials collected from ocean scientific cruises and outcrops, and laborotory synthetic analogies, and seeks applications in tracing important processes in Earth and environmental sciences. Applications of current research include using paleomagnetism, and rock and mineral magnetism to understand paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental changes, particularly past global warming periods; geodynamical and environmental processes of mid-ocean ridges; geomagnetic field variations; and environmental processes in the marginal seas.

Dr. Chang is also interested in fundamental rock and mineral magnetism, magnetic modelling, remanence acquisitionbiogeomagnetism, and ocean biogeochemical cycles.