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Personal Information:


Main positions:无
Other Post:无
Degree:Doctoral degree
School/Department:Peking Univeristy

Yanjing Chen


Date of Birth: 1962-06-12

Gender: Male

Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Administrative Position: 无

Alma Mater: Nanjing University

Paper Publications

The Mo deposits of Northeast China: a powerful indicator of tectonic settings and associated evolutionary trends

Impact Factor:0.0
DOI number:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.04.017
Journal:Ore Geol. Rev.
Document Type:J
Page Number:602-640
Translation or Not:yes
Included Journals:SCI
First Author:Chen, Y.J.
All the Authors:Zhang, C.,Wang, P.,Pirajno, F.,Li, N.
Date of Publication:2017-02-18