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Personal Information:


Main positions:无
Other Post:无
Degree:Doctoral degree
School/Department:Peking Univeristy

Yanjing Chen


Date of Birth: 1962-06-12

Gender: Male

Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Administrative Position: 无

Alma Mater: Nanjing University

Social Affiliations

Current position: Home / Social Affiliations

[1]  2007.11 to Now 中国人民解放军武装警察部队 科技咨询专家、科技领军人才帮带导师

[2]  2016.11 to Now 中国地质调查局 重要矿产资源调查计划 咨询专家

[3]  2018.1 to Now 地质力学学报 编委

[4]  2013.1 to Now 中国地质 编委

[5]  2013.1 to Now 矿物学报 编委

[6]  2013.1 to Now 矿物学报 编委

[7]  2012.1 to Now 山东科技大学学报 编委

[8]  2011.1 to Now 地学前缘 编委

[9]  2010.1 to Now 矿产勘查 编委

[10]  2001.1 to Now 矿物岩石 编委

[11]  2002.1 to 2010.1 地质与勘探 编委

[12]  1998.1 to Now 矿床地质 编委

[13]  2018.1 to Now 地质论评 副主编

[14]  2018.1 to Now Member of Editorial Board of China Geology

[15]  1994.1 to Now Member of Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Geochemistry (EI)

[16]  2014.1 to 2018.1 Member of Editorial Board of Acta Geologica Sinica (SCI IF=1.6)

[17]  2012.1 to Now Associate Editor:Ore Geology Reviews (SCI IF=4.8)

[18]  2011.1 to 2013.1 Associate Editor: Journal of Geochemical Exploration (SCI IF=1.7)

[19]  2014.1 to Now 国际矿床成因协会(IAGOD)“碰撞造山带矿床研究组(Working Group on Mineral Deposits in Collisional Orogens)”组长