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 Group Annual Meeting 2016


Spring Tour


Our first four Ph.D students defensed! 


Graduation Celeration Party at home


Funing Tornado Damage Survey on June 24-27 


Graduation Ceremony on July 4



Yunji got Peking University Outstanding Ph.D Thesis Award!


Ling Huang and Dan Yao got Peking University Outstanding Graduate Award! 



The remainings of SWANS (Lei Zhu is visiting PSU under CSC program)



Our new drone and the pilot


Prof. Meng chaired AOGS-32: Mesoscale Processes and Local Severe Storm


Extreme Heavy Rainfall Summer School during Aug.2-4


 Autumn trip in September


  Yuejian defensed her Ph.D dissertation in December


Graduation celebration party


NMC disastrous weather conference in December
