

Alma Mater:美国爱荷华州立大学物理系

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

[MORE] Honors and Titles:

American Physics Society, Member

2017-07-22  The 7th Joint ICQs Annual Workshop, Organizer

Referee: Nature Physics, Nature Materials, Nature Communication, Physical Review Letter, Physical Review B, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Scientific Report

2011-01-01  Strongly correlated electron system session in 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth , Monterey, August 1-5

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Student Information

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Date:2020-06-11 Hits:

Major: Condensed Matter Physics

Research Focus: 磁性材料的制备和输运测量

Education Level: Under postgraduate

Degree: Bachelor's degree

Current Status: Studying

Date of Registration: 2018-09-01

E-Mail: 1801110151@pku.edu.cn

Pre One:黄雨晴
Next One:叶君耀


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