Mingsong Li


Basic Information

School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences
Professional Title:Researcher
Degree:Doctoral degree

Research Group

Meng Wang

Members of Research Group:Meng Wang
Name of Research Group:Deep Time Global Change
Description of Research Group:Li Group
Team members Introduction:

Meng Wang

Boya Postdoc

Meng is currently a Boya postdoctoral researcher at Peking University.

He finished his Ph.D. at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).

His research encompasses the areas of hydrocarbon accumulation, methane seep, as well as the paleolake-level reconstruction and paleoclimate change.

He is interested in the reconstruction of lake levels and astronomical forcing by using a recently proposed sedimentary noise model and the mechanism of past lake-level and sea-level change.

Email: mwang@pku.edu.cn

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