Tian Hui


Alma Mater:北京大学

[MORE] Honors and Titles:

2023-07-17  科学探索奖

2022-11-01  中国青年科技奖

2021-12-02  中国天文学会黄授书奖

2021-03-01  2020年中国十大天文科技进展

2020-03-01  美国天文学会太阳物理分会哈维奖(Harvey Prize)

2019-11-08  亚太物理联合会等离子体物理分会青年学者奖

2018-10-01  国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金

2016-09-01  德国马普学会马普伙伴小组组长(Head of Max Planck Partner Group)

MOBILE Version

Research Group

Current position: Home > Research Group


Release time:2020-05-28

Name of Research Group:北大太阳光谱

Description of Research Group:主要利用国内外地面望远镜和空间科学卫星的观测数据,来研究太阳大气动力学、太阳爆发活动、恒星大气活动与系外空间天气等。我们也与国内外同行一道,致力于推动太阳和恒星的极紫外光谱成像探测。

Team members Introduction:



Yang, Z.-H., Bethge, C., Tian, H.*, Tomczyk, S.*, Morton, R., Del Zanna, G., McIntosh, S. W., Binay Karak, B., Gibson, S., Samanta, T., He, J.-S., Chen, Y.-J., Wang, L.-H. 2020, Global maps of the magnetic field in the solar corona, Science, 369, 694

Yang, Z.-H., Tian, H.*, Tomczyk, S., Morton, R., Bai, X.-Y., Samanta, T., Chen, Y.-J. 2020, Mapping the magnetic field in the solar corona through magnetoseismology, Sci China Tech Sci, 63, 2357

Yang, Z., Tian, H.*, Peter, H., Su, Y., Samanta, T., Zhang, J.-W., Chen, Y.-J. 2018, Two Solar Tornadoes Observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, Astrophys. J., 852, 79

Yang, Z.-H., Tian, H.*, Bai, X.-Y.*, Chen, Y.-J., Guo, Y., Zhu, Y.-J., Cheng, X., Gao, Y.-H., Xu, Y., Chen, H.-C., Zhang, J.-L. 2022, Can We Detect Coronal Mass Ejections through Asymmetries of Sun-as-a-star Extreme-ultraviolet Spectral Line Profiles, Astrophys. J. Supp., 260, 36


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