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Personal Information:


Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
School/Department:National Engineering Research Center of Software Engineering



Gender: Female

Education Level: Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Administrative Position: Research Associate Professor

Alma Mater: Peking University | University of Groningen

Personal Profile

Current position: Chen Wang, Peking University / Personal Profile

She has devoted to the theoretical and experimental research on the intelligent swarm coordination control for multiple biomimetic underwater robots, focusing on the difficulties and key issues of bionic perception, bionic driven, bionic learning and control, and bionic swarm and cooperation. She has published 70 SCI/EI-indexed academic papers in journals including IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, and on conferences including IEEE ICRA、IEEE IROS、IFAC、ICML、ECCV、IEEE CDC. These research works have received more than 1200 citations (according to Google Scholar data). She has been PI for 10 research projects, including the Key Program of Joint Fund from NSFC, the General Program from NSFC, the Young Scientists Fund from NSFC, and two foundations from the National Defense Advanced Research Program of Science and Technology. She serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. She is a Senior Member of IEEE. [Updated 2024-02]