Alma Mater: Tohoku University
[81] Yanyan Chen and Qian Wang, Phonon Transport and Thermoelectric Properties of Imidazole-Graphyne, Materals, 14, 2021.
[82] Dongyuan Ni and Qian Wang, Hex-C558: A new porous metallic carbon allotrope for lithium-ion battery anode, Carbon, 183, 2021.
[83] Wenyang Zhou, Qian Wang, and Puru Jena, Imidazole-graphyne: A new 2D carbon nitride with a direct bandgap and strong IR refraction, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 2021.
[84] Yanyan Chen and Qian Wang, Low lattice thermal conductivity of pentadiamond, Journal of Applied Physics, 129, 2021.
[85] Yiheng Shen and Qian Wang, Pentagonal B2N3-based 3D metallic boron nitride with high energy density, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 33, 2021.
[86] Wei Sun and Qian Wang, 1,2,4-Azadiphosphole-based Piezoelectric Penta-CNP Sheet with High Spontaneous Polarization, Applied Surface Science, 554, 2021.
[87] Jie Sun and Qian Wang, Low lattice thermal conductivity of a 5-8-peanut-shaped carbon nanotube, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 2021.
[88] Dongyuan Ni and Qian Wang, A New Porous Metallic Carbon Allotrope with Interlocking Pentagons for Sodium-Ion Battery Anode Material, Adv. Theory Simul., 4, 2021.
[89] Dongyuan Ni and Qian Wang, Identifying key parameters for predicting materials with low defect generation efficiency by machine learning, Computational Materials Science, 191, 2021.
[90] Xiaoyin Li and Qian Wang, Na-functionalized IrTe2 monolayer: Suppressed charge ordering and electric field tuned topological phase transition, Phys. Rev. B, 102, 2020.