
Yanyan Chen and Qian Wang.β-CsCu5Se3: A Promising Thermoelectric Material going beyond Photovoltaic Application.Adv. Theory Simul.,3,2020
Yupeng Shen and Qian Wang.Potential of porous nodal-line semi-metallic carbon for sodium-ion battery anode.Journal of Power Sources,478,2020
Arzoo Hassan and Qian Wang.Performance of the Pentagonal PdSe2 Sheet as a Channel Material in Contact with Metal Surfaces and Graphene.Applied Electronic Materials,2,2020
Wenyang Zhou and Qian Wang.A 3D porous honeycomb carbon as Na-ion battery anode material with high capacity, excellent rate performance, and robust stability.Carbon,168,2020
Yanyan Chen and Qian Wang.Ground state structure and physical properties of silicon monoxide sheet.Applied Surface Science,527,2020
Kexian Zhao and Qian Wang.Penta-BCN: A New Ternary Pentagonal Monolayer with Intrinsic Piezoelectricity.J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,11,2020
Yupeng Shen and Qian Wang.Ultralow thermal conductivity and negative thermal expansion of CuSCN.Nano Energy,73,2020
Yiheng Shen and Qian Wang.Large Out-of-Plane Second Harmonic Generation Susceptibility in Penta-ZnS2 Sheet.Adv. Theory Simul.,3,2020
Yaguang Guo and Qian Wang.Large Second Harmonic Generation in Elemental α-Sb and α-Bi Monolayers.J. Phys. Chem. C,124,2020
Jie Sun and Qian Wang.Low thermal conductivity of peanut-shaped carbon nanotube and its response to uniaxial strain.Nanotechnology,31,2019