Biao Wu


Alma Mater:University of Texas at Austin, USA

[MORE] Academic Honor:

2008  Winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars ;

2014  Changjiang Distinguished Professor

Honors and Titles:

2004, 中科院“百人计划”,终期评估优秀

2007, Daniel Tsui Fellowship of University of Hong Kong

2008, 国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金

Changjiang Scholarship Professor, 2014

MOBILE Version


Current position: WB's home

quantum algorithm


If you have a quantum computer ready to use, what problem would you like it to solve? Would it always be faster than classical computer? No, it is necessary. In fact, for most of the problems, we do not have a faster quantum algorithm. We are trying to design faster quantum algorithms with Hamiltonians, and hope to have a better understanding why quantum computer can outperform classical computer and sometimes it can not.


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