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Research Group

Name of Research Group:Zhou Group
Description of Research Group:
Members include 2 PhD students, 3 graduate students pursuing Master's degree, and several undergraduate students.

Xuzhi Zhou


Academic Title:Associate Professor

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science


School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences



Prof. Zhou's research has focused on space plasma physics and magnetospheric physics, with particular interest on wave-particle interactions in the radiation belts and explosive processes in the magnetotail. He is currently teaching 3 courses, including Fundamentals of Space Plasma Physics (undergraduate), Intriguing Science of the Solar System (undergraduate), and Frontiers in Space Physic...

  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience

[1]  1997.9 to 2001.7
Peking University  | Bachelor's Degree in Science  | University graduated
[2]  2001.9 to 2008.1
Peking University  | Doctoral degree  | Postgraduate (Doctoral)

[1]   2004.7  to  2004.12
Boston University  | Center for Space Physics  | Visiting Scholar
[2]   2006.11  to  2008.1
University of Massachusetts Lowell  | Center for Atmospheric Research  | Visiting Scholar
[3]   2008.1  to  2014.2
University of California Los Angeles  | Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics  | Assistant/Associate Researcher
[4]   2014.2 to  Now
Peking University  | School of Earth and Space Sciences  | Assistant Profesesor

Research Focus


[1]  Space Plasma Physics

[2]  Magnetospheric Physics