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Personal Information:


Main positions:Assistant Professor
Degree:Doctoral degree
School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences



Gender: Male

Education Level: Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Administrative Position: Assistant Professor

Alma Mater: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Personal Profile

Current position: 英文主页 / Personal Profile

Dr. Zeng is an assistant professor at Peking University. He received his PhD degree in 2016 from ISEIS at CUHK. Before joining PKU in 2022, he was a postdoc at Caltech and later as a research scientist at UCLA. Dr. Zeng’s research interests relate to the development of theories and algorithms in two fundamental areas of atmospheric remote sensing: (1) radiative transfer and (2) inverse modeling/satellite retrieval. He led the algorithm development for the JPL-built instrument CLARS-FTS to measure atmospheric trace gases and air pollutants in the Los Angeles megacity, and a JPL-funded research and technology development project to investigate the feasibility for boundary layer measurements of atmospheric isotopologues. Currently, he is leading a research group at PKU to develop a synergetic remote sensing algorithm system that combines the strengths of multiple data sources and radiation/scattering model constraints to get accurate and comprehensive information about atmospheric trace gases from current and future LEO and GEO satellites, including China’s Fengyun series satellites.