Degree:Doctoral degree Status:Employed School/Department:现代光学研究所
Gender: Male
[31] Image transmission through a thick dynamic distorter using the photorefractive fanning effect, Opt. Lett., 585-587,
[32] One-way image transmission through a thick dynamic distorter without a reference beam, Appl. Phys. Lett., 630-632,
[33] Image transmission through a thick dynamic distorter by use of the photorefractive spatial light modulator, Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory, 295-296,
[34] High-resolution incoherent-to-coherent conversion by use of the photorefractive fanning effect, Appl. Opt., 995-1000,
[35] High-resolution photorefractive incoherent-to-coherent optical converter, Opt. Commun., 237-241,
[36] Photorefractive two-wave mixing in the presence of an incoherent beam, Appl. Phys. B, 243-247,
[37] Incoherent-to-coherent conversion and image reconstruction for a white-light image, The Review of Laser Engineering, 808-811,
[38] Specular reflection enhancement and reduction from the surface of a photorefractive crystal in the presence of a ‘pump’ beam, Appl. Phys. Lett., 3986-3988,
[39] Optical bistability in a photorefractive self-pumped phase-conjugator, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 107-110,
[40] Shift multiplexing for holographic storage system using fiber bundle referencing, Appl. Phys. Lett., 25-27,