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A Preliminarily Statistic and Synoptic Study about the Basic Currents over Southeastern Asia and the Initiation of Typhoons
影响因子: 2.569
DOI码: 10.1007/s13351-018-8888-6
发表刊物: Journal of Meteorological Research
摘要: The relation between the basic currents of the low latitudes and the initiation of typhoons is investigated statistically and synoptically by means of recent aerological data. It is shown that about 80% of typhoons developed in the eastern part of the equatorial convergence zone between the equatorial westerlies and trade wind of West Pacific Ocean. The equatorial westerly is a large scale and quasi-steady phenomenon; therefore, it is probably reasonable to be called "basic current" and typhoons are considered as vortices of smaller scale. There is a quite definite relationship between the time, position, frequency of the initiation of typhoons and the position, strength of the basic currents in the low latitudes. There is a quasi-periodical variation of the strength and position of the basic currents with a period longer than one month. This fact may be helpful for the extended forecast the initiation and development of typhoons.
卷号: 32
期号: 4
页面范围: 661-669
发表时间: 2018-10-24
收录刊物: SCI