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Zhang, Xianfeng*, Liao, Chunhua, Liu, Yu, Li, Jonathan.An iconmap-based exploratory analytical approach for multivariate geospatial data.Science China-Iinformation Sciences, 56(1), 12305-012305,2013
吕扬, 张显峰*, 刘羽.建筑物尺度的太阳能资源潜力估算模型研究.北京大学学报(自然科学版), 49(4): 650-656,2013
Zhang, Xianfeng, Liao, Chunhua.Fractional vegetation cover mapping from the HJ-1 small satellite hyperspectral data.In: Yang, Xiaojun, Li, Jonathan (eds), Advances in Mapping from Remote Sensor Imagery: Techniques and Applications. CRC Press,2013
Zhang, Xianfeng*, Liao, Chunhua, Li, Jonathan.Fractional vegetation cover estimation in arid and semi-arid environments using HJ-1 satellite hyperspectral data.International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol.21, pp.506-512,2013