Teaching Information

Interdisciplinary Science Experiments

Date:2023-07-04 Hits:

Leader of Teaching Group:窦锦虎
Members of Teaching Group:赵晓续 林立 吕世贤 莫凡洋 庞全全 沈杰 邵云龙 王永刚
Course Introduction:With the development of science itself to a deeper and higher level, the objects and ways of thinking of scientific research are also developing towards openness, creativity, and comprehensiveness. For a more in-depth understanding of the properties, connections, and laws of different disciplines of a certain problem, it is necessary to research the extension of the discipline at the macro level. This kind of research requires the results of in-depth research in multiple sub-disciplines.
Testing Method:以学术论文形式撰写实验报告
Discipline:Materials Science and Engineering
School Year:2022-2023
Course number:23200015
Course Type:Undergraduate Course
Top-Quality Courses or Not:no