Teaching Plan:形式以教师授课为主。主要内容是第3章(误差与数据处理)、第5章(酸碱滴定)、第6章(配位滴定)、第7章(氧化还原滴定)、第8章(沉淀滴定)。要求正确分析常用滴定方法涉及的反应体系并掌握误差分析思维。
Leader of Teaching Group:GUO Shaojun
Course Introduction:Analytical chemistry is one of the most important fundamental courses for training the professional persons in materials/chemistry major. The objective of this course to train students to master the basic principle of analytical chemistry, be familiar with a routine analytical chemistry process, analyze the source of error in measurement and master the statistical method for data treatment, have the ability to treat with common analytical chemistry problems and proceed an analytical experiment.
Schedule:3 hours (every week, 48 hours in total)
Testing Method:Assignments, mid-term and end-of-term exams.
Target Students:Undergraduate students of engineering, materials science, and other relevant majors.
Teacher:GUO Shaojun
School Year:2022-2023
Semester:Autumn Term
Course number:00333970
Course Type:Undergraduate Course
Top-Quality Courses or Not:no
Required Class Hours:48.0
Courses and reference books:分析化学(第六版)上册,武汉大学主编,高等教育出版社
Calculus and General Chemistry is recommended as prerequisites.