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Trends in hail in China during 1960–2005
影响因子: 5.576
DOI码: 10.1029/2008GL034067
发表刊物: Geophysical Research Letters
摘要: The annual variation and trend in hail frequency during a 46-yr period from 1960 to 2005 in China are documented in this study. All analyses are based on a comprehensive collection of observational hail data and operational atmospheric sounding data released by the National Meteorological Information Center (NMIC) of China. The results show no trend in the mean Annual Hail Days (AHD) from 1960 to early 1980s but a significant decreasing trend afterwards. The different trend of the AHD at each station displays a marked regional dependence across China, however. Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), strength of vertical wind shear, and mean Freezing-Level Height (FLH) are analyzed to understand the observed long-term trends in hail frequency.
卷号: 35
期号: 13
发表时间: 2008-07-02
收录刊物: SCI