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Computational properties of vertical grids for a nonhydrostatic anelastic model
影响因子: 1.443
DOI码: 10.1080/10618560701812816
发表刊物: International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
摘要: Computational dispersion properties of all vertically staggered grids, which are presently available, are analysed in terms of frequency and group velocity components using the second-order centre difference scheme for a nonhydrostatic anelastic approximation system with a general method. The inertial-gravitational waves with a horizontal scale of a hundred-, ten- and one-kilometres are considered. The comparison analysis shows that the Charny-Phillips (CP) and Lorenz grids are suitable for waves at all abovementioned horizontal scales, while the Lorenz time staggered and Charny-Phillips time staggered grids are applicable only to waves with a horizontal scale less than 10 km. The unstaggered (N) grid is not suitable for simulating waves at any horizontal scale. In an idealised flow numerical test, the result on the CP grid has much less error than that on the N grid.
卷号: 22
期号: 3
页面范围: 193-200
发表时间: 2008-04-24
收录刊物: SCI