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The photogeochemical cycle of Mn oxides on the Earth’s surface.Mineralogical Magzine,1-17,2021,10.1180/mgm.2021.10 Carbonate and cation substitutions in hydroxylapatite in breast cancer micro-calcifications.Mineralogical Magzine,85,321-331,2021,10.1180/mgm.2021.23 Influences of Fe-Mn ratio on the photocatalytic performance of wolframite(FexMn1-xWO4).Chemical Geology,120253,2021 Photoreduction of inorganic carbon(+IV) by elemental sulfur: Implications for prebiotic synthesis in terrestrial hot springs.Science Advances,6,eabc3687,2020 Photo-stimulated anoxic reduction of birnessite (δ-MnO2) by citrate and its fine structural responses: Insights on a proton promoted photoelectron transfer process.Chemical Geology,120029,2020 A likely oxidation mechanism for near-vent, hydrothermal fluid-dominated BIFs.Chemical Geology,119766,2020 Photoelectric conversion on Earth’s surface via widespread Fe- and Mn-mineral coatings.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,116,9741-9746,2019 Characteristics of desert varnish from nanometer to micrometer scale: a photo-oxidation model on its formation.Chemical Geology,522,55-70,2019 Coupled anaerobic and aerobic microbial processes for Mn-carbonate precipitation: A realistic model of inorganic carbon pool formation.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,256,49-65,2019 Influence of heavy metal sorption pathway on the structure of biogenic birnessite: Insight from the band structure and photostability.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,256,116-134,2018
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