
Li, J.Y., Tang, M., Lee, C.T.A., Wang, X.L., Gu, Z.D., Xia, X.P., Wang, D., Du, D.H. and Li, L.S..Rapid endogenic rock recycling in magmatic arcs.Nature Communications,12,1-7,2021
Sun, G., Liu, S., Cawood, P., Tang, M., Hunen, Jv, Gao, L., Hu, Y. and Hu, F..Thermal state and evolving geodynamic regimes of the Meso- to Neoarchean North China Craton.Nature Communications,12,2021
Ming Tang*.Composition of the Earth’s Crust.Encyclopedia of Geology, 2nd edition,2020
Ming Tang*, Cin-Ty A. Lee*, Weiqiang Ji, Rui Wang and Gelu Costin.Crustal thickening and endogenic oxidation of magmatic sulfur.Science Advances,6,eaba6342,2020
Cin-Ty A. Lee* and Ming Tang.How to make porphyry copper deposits.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,529,2020
Ming Tang*, Cin-Ty A. Lee, Gelu Costin and Heidi E. Höfer.Recycling reduced iron at the base of magmatic orogens.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,528,2019
Ming Tang*, Cin-Ty A. Lee*, Kang Chen, Monica Erdman, Gelu Costin and Hehe Jiang.Nb/Ta systematics in arc magma differentiation and the role of arclogites in continent formation.Nature Communications,10,2019
He Liu, Wei-dong Sun*, Robert Zartman and Ming Tang.Continuous plate subduction marked by the rise of alkali magmatism 2.1 billion years ago.Nature Communications,10,2019
Xin Chen, Cin-Ty A. Lee, Xiao-Lei Wang* and Ming Tang.Influence of water on granite generation: modeling and perspective.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,174,126-134,2019
Ming Tang*, Monica Erdman, Graham Eldridge and Cin-Ty A. Lee*.The redox “filter” beneath magmatic orogens and the formation of continental crust.Science Advances,4,2018