
Ming Tang*, Roberta L. Rudnick, William F. McDonough, Maitrayee Bose and Yulia Goreva.Multi-mode Li diffusion in natural zircons: evidence for diffusion in the presence of step-function concentration boundaries.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,474,110-119,2017
Ming Tang*, William F. McDonough and Richard D. Ash.Europium and strontium anomalies in the MORB source mantle.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,197,132-141,2017
Ming Tang*, Kang Chen and Roberta L. Rudnick.Archean upper crust transition from mafic to felsic marks the onset of plate tectonics.Science,351,372-375,2016
Kang Chen*, Richard J. Walker, Roberta L. Rudnick, Shan Gao, Richard M. Gaschnig, Igor S. Puchtel, Ming Tang and Zhao-Chu Hu.Platinum-group element abundances and Re–Os isotopic systematics of the upper continental crust through time: Evidence from glacial diamictites.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,191,1-16,2016
Ming Tang*, Ricardo Arevalo Jr., Yulia Goreva and William F. McDonough.Elemental fractionation during condensation of plasma plumes generated by laser ablation: a ToF-SIMS study of condensate blankets.Journal of Analytical Atomic spectrometry,30,2316-2322,2015
Lucie Sauzéat*, Roberta L. Rudnick, Catherine Chauvel, Marion Garçon and Ming Tang.New perspectives on the Li isotopic composition of the upper continental crust and its weathering signature.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,428,182-191,2015
Ming Tang*, Roberta L. Rudnick, William F. McDonough, Richard M. Gaschnig and Yu Huang.Europium anomalies constrain the mass of recycled lower continental crust.Geology,43,703-706,2015
Ming Tang*, Roberta L. Rudnick and Catherine Chauvel.Sedimentary input to the source of Martinique lavas: a Li perspective.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,144,43-58,2014
Ming Tang*, William F. McDonough and Ricardo Arevalo, Jr.High-precision measurement of Eu/Eu* in geological glasses via LA-ICP-MS analysis.Journal of Analytical Atomic spectrometry,29,1835-1843,2014
Ming Tang, Xiao-Lei Wang*, Xu-Jie Shu, Di Wang, Tao Yang and Phillip Gopon.Hafnium isotopic heterogeneity in zircons from granitic rocks: Geochemical evaluation and modeling of “zircon effect” in crustal anatexis.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,389,188-199,2014