Personal Homepage

Personal Information:


Main positions:Professor
Degree:Doctoral degree
School/Department:School of Earth and Space Science, Peking University



Date of Birth: 1967-12-04

Gender: Male

Education Level: Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Administrative Position: Deputy Director

Alma Mater: University of Western Ontario

Education Background

Current position: English Home Page for XFZ / Education Background

[1]  2001.9 to 2005.10
University of Western Ontario  | Geography  | Doctoral Degree in Philosophy  | Postgraduate (Doctoral)
[2]  1996.3 to 2000.8
Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, CAS  | Cartography and GIS  | Doctoral degree  | Postgraduate (Doctoral)
[3]  1990.9 to 1993.7
Department of Urban and Environmental Science  | Physical Geography  | Master's Degree  | Master's degree completion
[4]  1986.9 to 1990.7
Beijing Normal University  | Geography  | Bachelor's Degree  | Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)