
Song Juer, Du Shihong, Feng Xin and Guo Luo.The relationships between landscape compositions and land surface temperature: Quantifying their resolution sensitivity with spatial regression models.Landscape and urban planning,123,145-157,2014
Zhang Xiuyuan, Du Shihong and Wang Yi-Chen.Semantic classification of heterogeneous urban scenes using intra-scene feature similarity and inter-scene semantic dependency.IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,8,2005-2014,2015
Feng Yuning, Du Shihong, Soe W. Myint and Shu Mi.Do urban functional zones affect land surface temperature differently? A case study of Beijing, China.Remote Sensing,11,1802,2019
Du Shihong, Wang Xiaonan, Feng Chen-Chieh and Zhang Xiuyuan.Classifying natural-language spatial relation terms with random forest algorithm.International Journal of Geographic Information Science,31,542-568,2017
Du Shihong, Luo Liqun and Shu Mi.Extracting building patterns with multilevel graph partition and building grouping.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,122,81-96,2016
Zhao Wenzhi, Du Shihong, Wang Qiao and William J. Emery.Contextually guided very-high-resolution imagery classification with semantic segments.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,132,48-60,2017
Zhang Xiuyuan, Du Shihong and Wang Qiao.Hierarchical semantic cognition for urban functional zones with VHR satellite images and POI data.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,132,170-184,2017
Zhang Xiuyuan, Du Shihong and Wang Qiao.Integrating bottom-up classification and top-down feedback for improving urban land-cover and functional-zone mapping.Remote Sensing of Environment,212,231-248,2018
Zheng Zhijia, Du Shihong, Wang Yi-Chen and Wang Qiao.Mining regularity of landscape-structure heterogeneity to improve urban land-cover mapping.Remote Sensing of Environment,214,14-32,2018
Zhang Xiuyuan, Du Shihong and Zhang Jixian.How do people understand convenience-of-living in Cities? A multiscale geographic investigation in Beijing.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,148,87-102,2018