Scientific Research
Subunit-Cell Level Measurement of Polarization in Individual Polar Vortex.Science Advances,null
Probing Far-Infrared Surface Phonon Polaritons in Semiconductor Nanostructures at Nanoscale.Nano Letters,null
Enhancement of Heat Dissipation in Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes by a Vertically Oriented Graphene Nanowall Buffer Layer.Advanced Materials,null
Improved Epitaxy of AlN Film for Deep‐Ultraviolet Light‐Emitting Diodes Enabled by Graphene.Advanced Materials,31(23),null
Atomic Scale Insights into Structure Instability and Decomposition Pathway of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite.Nature Communications,9,null
Atomic-Scale Measurement of Flexoelectric Polarization at SrTiO3 Dislocations.Physical Review Letters,120,null
Atomic-Scale Probing of Reversible Li Migration in 1T-V1+xSe2 and the Interactions between Interstitial V and Li.Nano Letters,18,null
Atomic-Scale Measurement of Flexoelectric Polarization at SrTiO3 Dislocations.Physical Review Letters,120,null
Atomic-Scale Probing of Reversible Li Migration in 1T-V1+xSe2 and the Interactions between Interstitial V and Li..Nano Letters,18,null
Atomic-scale mechanism of internal structural relaxation screening at polar interfaces.Physical Review B rapid communications,97,null