
Min DING and Nan ZHANG*.Early Geologic History of the Moon.Encyclopedia of Lunar Science,In: Cudnik B. (eds), 8, Springer, 10.1007/978-3-319-05546-6_8-1,2018
Nan ZHANG, Nick Dygert, Yan LIANG and E. M. Parmentier.The effect of ilmenite viscosity on the dynamics and evolution of an overturned lunar cumulate mantle.Geophys. Res. Lett.,44,6543-6552,2017
Nan ZHANG and Z.-X. LI.Formation of mantle “lone plumes” in the global downwelling zone — A multiscale modelling of subduction-controlled plume generation beneath the South China Sea.Tectonophysics,723,1-13,2017
Nan ZHANG.Internal Structure/Mantle Motions of the Moon.Encyclopedia of Lunar Science,In: Cudnik B. (eds). 1, Springer, 10.1007/978-3-319-05546-6_10-1,2014
Nan ZHANG, E.M. Parmentier and Yan LIANG.A 3D numerical study of the thermal evolution of the Moon after cumulate mantle overturn: The importance of rheology and core solidification.J. Geophys. Res.,118,1789-1804,2013,10.1029/jgre.20121
Nan ZHANG, E. M. Parmentier and Yan LIANG.Effects of lunar cumulate mantle overturn and megaregolith on the expansion and contraction history of the Moon.Geophys. Res. Lett.,40,5019-5023,2013
Nan ZHANG, Shijie ZHONG and R.M. Flowers.Predicting and testing continental vertical motion histories since the Paleozoic.Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,317,426-435,2012
R.M. Flowers, A.K. Ault, S.A. Kelley, Shijie ZHONG and Nan ZHANG.Epeirogeny or eustasy? Paleozoic-Mesozoic vertical motion of the North American continental interior from thermochronometry and implications for mantle dynamics.Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,317,436-445,2012
Nan ZHANG and Shijie ZHONG.Heat Fluxes at the Earth's Surface and Core-mantle Boundary since the Pangea Formation and Their Implications for the Geomagnetic Superchrons.Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,306,205-216,2011
Nan ZHANG, Shijie ZHONG, Wei LENG and Z.-X. LI.A Model for the Evolution of the Earth's Mantle Structure since the Early Paleozoic.J. Geophys. Res.,115,2010,10.1029/2009JB006896