Once honored

Current position: Guo Lab >> Once honored
  • 国家重点研发计划总体专家组成员(2023)

  • 北京市自然科学基金委咨询委员(2023,化学、材料)

  • 北京大学优秀共产党员标兵(2023)

  • Nano Materials Science Young Scientist Award (2023)

  • Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher (Materials/Chemistry, 2014-2023)

  • Research.com Top Materials Science Scientists (Ranking 167)

  • Globalauthorid.com Top 100,000 Scientists (Ranking 800)

  • World's Top 2% Scientists

  • China Youth Science and Technology Award

  • Xplorer Prize

  • Chinese Chemical Society-Royal Society of Chemistry Young Chemist Award

  • Mao Yisheng Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award

  • Elesiver-Energy Chem Young Scienst Award

  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

  • Beijing Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholar

  • Young Analyst Prize of China

  • Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship

  • Huangtingfang/Xinhe Distinguished Young Scholar

  • Elsevier Chinese Most Cited Researchers (2017-2021)

  • Young Scientist Prize for China Electrochemical Society

  • Internationl Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)-Elsevier Prize for Applied Electrochemistry

  • The Recruitment Program of Global Youth Experts, China

  • J. Robert Oppenheimer Distinguished Fellowship (Los Alamos National Lab)

  • Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Awards of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Lindau Fellow