

Alma Mater:Jilin University

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)


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Quantum Optics and Quantum Information


  1. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

    The well-known 1935 paper of Einstein et al.(EPR) leads to the famous Bell theorem,which rules out local realism-a result that has been called "the most profound discovery of Science" .The Schrodinger cat paradox raises an even more important issue-how to reconcile quantum realities with classical realities at themacroscopic level. Specific research topics include:Signatures of macroscopic superpositions and entanglement; The Bell and EPR paradox in macroscopic systems.

  2. Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atom Lasers

    Atom lasers, or BEC exist at temperatures below one nano-Kelvin-a billion times colder thaninterstellar space. The bosonic atoms occupy an identical quantum state, so BECs are quantum systems on a macroscopic scale, with atoms behaving as waves but having particle-like qualities when detected.We study on the dephasing,decoherence and entanglement effects in BEC interferometry.

  3. Project


PRL 103, 180402 (2009)

PRL 106, 120405 (2011)

PRL 111, 250403 (2013)


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