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Main positions:Director, High Performance Computing Platform, PKU
Degree:Doctoral degree
School/Department:Institute of Theoretical Physics

Lei Yian


Education Level: Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Administrative Position: Associate Professor

Alma Mater: Peking University


Current position: Lei Yian Homepage / Blog
Update of the Global Approximation Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

Here is an updated book summary, with some contents yet to appear in future editions.

Theoretical basis:

The premise of global interpretation is the standard worldview based on the Standard Model, the physical picture of elementary particles and interactions in the Standard Model, with slight abstraction and extension. We treat elementary particles as global spatiotemporal perturbation patterns of fundamental interactions, not point particles in the general impression. Point particle is not an acceptable concept. Some spatiotemporal perturbation patterns can exist independently, becoming elementary particles in the standard definition. Some are composite modes.

Fundamental interactions are complex and described by quantum electrodynamics (QED) or quantum chromodynamics (QCD). These interactions are nonlinear and exhibit intricate patterns of infinite order. At the atomic-molecular or laboratory level, the only fundamental interaction is electromagnetism, which is a low-energy part of quantum field theory.

Apart from the abovementioned premises, the Global Approximate Interpretation (GAI) does not rely on other assumptions.

GAI is unique in that it does not fall under the conventional definition of interpretation, as previous interpretations have required certain assumptions. Instead, GAI does not make any assumptions but analyzes the physical significance of the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics based on the standard worldview. The formulation system of quantum mechanics is the non-controversial part of the well-known "shut up and calculate" declaration. The physical representation derived from the analytical formulation system provides an explanation rather than an interpretation. Unlike interpretations, which possess subjective attributes, explanations are based solely on objective properties and basic logic to provide a more intuitive understanding of abstract or complex systems.

Major findings:

Quantum mechanics:

It is about the theory of waves, the zero-order approximate solution of global fluctuations in quantum electrodynamics. It is an ideal (infinite speed of light), lowest order (only virtual photons), intrinsic electromagnetic oscillation mode set (eigenmodes) of complex interactions under complex background radiation fields and global constraints. The Schrödinger equation gives these eigenmodes. It neglected the theory of relativity and assumed an infinite speed of light. It is a good approximation at the atomic, molecular, and solid lattice scales.

There is no intrinsic gap between quantum mechanics, classical physics, or quantum field theory. We can intuitively understand all weird quantum phenomena if we put back the approximation conditions.


All quantum properties (quantization of physical quantities, complex interference patterns, quantum entanglement, etc.) are established by coherencing, which requires the participation of global constraints, such as the resonance between many atoms of the same kind.

The coherencing of quantum global modes takes time, requires feedback, and requires interactions. For large-scale processes, the time required is considerable and can be observed experimentally, such as quantum entanglement (correlation) over longer distances.

The coherencing process is global, and the locality of the fundamental interaction is obscured in the coherencing process of multiple feedbacks. The causality and evolution process between the final state and the original one is absent in the formulation system of quantum mechanics. We can only see various global effects, that is, the relationship between eigenstates, but not interactions and localities.

Schrödinger equation:

It is the core equation of the mathematical formula system of quantum mechanics. Its origin and physical picture need to be clarified, but the situation has been ignored since the beginning, which is very strange. Analyzing the derivation and physical meaning of the Schrödinger equation can give an intuitive physical picture of the quantum system.

The Schrödinger equation is the operator form of the Hamiltonian (Lagrangian, or energy expression). It is an identical relation that holds at any time and does not need to be solved. But if given constraints (boundary conditions), we can get a series of discrete wave modes, that is, the eigenstates of the system. Eigenstates are properties of the system, not the particle (quantum). The schrödinger equation can only find the properties of the quantum system, not the particle.

It gives the lowest-order eigenwave mode that meets the global constraints in the actual complicated interaction, and it is not the whole story of the original physical process.

Formally, it is also an abstract equation about waves (wave diffusion equation). It finds the remaining components (frequency sets) of the original signal (wave) after sufficient diffusion or those constructively coherent frequencies instead of destructive ones. Because the relevant fundamental interaction is electromagnetic in the actual physical system, it is an abstract equation of the electromagnetic wave part of the system. The obtained eigenfrequency is the spectral line of the system.

The Schrödinger equation solves the amplitude of the wave function in complex numbers, which reflects the two independent components of the amplitude of the electromagnetic wave. The modulus of the amplitude reflects the energy density of the wave.

Wave-particle duality:

Wave and particle are two incompatible properties. The concept of wave-particle duality must meet scientific definitions' clarity requirements.

A global fluctuation can trigger a local event. One should not conclude that the wave, or particle, is concentrated in this local area. Quantum events generally occur through quantum tunneling. The environment has background electromagnetic radiation, and the extra quantum (fluctuation) brings extra energy. The possibility of triggering a quantum event in a particular local area is proportional to the energy density of the quantum, which is the modular square of the wave function amplitude. 

The experimental difference between the wave-particle duality and GAI ideas is that the wave-particle duality holds that a particle can only trigger one or fewer events. In contrast, GAI has that a particle may trigger more than one local event.

Under global conditions, a particle produces a globally coherent fluctuation, which simultaneously controls the particle's position. Still, it cannot be detected because the signal strength of the detection device is far greater than that of the particle. Changing the global conditions restricting the particles also changes the wave pattern of the particles themselves. This wave makes the particles look like waves.

Interactive Measurement:

Measurements must interact. Measurements may or may not significantly affect the object's state. For microscopic quantum systems, measurement generally leads to the emergence of new global conditions so that the measured properties are inconsistent with the properties of the quantum system when it exists independently.

GAI holds that all quantum states are global patterns established by all interactions under the system's potential functions and boundary conditions. The same goes for measurements. We have two extreme cases according to the interactive characteristics between the measuring device and the measured object.

The first case is that the influence of the measurement device on the object is negligible, such as our observation of the moon and various classical measurements.

The second case is that the measuring device deeply affects the observed object, interacts with it, and forms a new state. For example, when we observe the behavior of atoms in a magnetic field, we will find the atoms themselves are affected by the magnetic field, resulting in energy level splitting.

At the quantum or the microscopic scale, the second case is common. We can understand the various double-slit interference experiments in the same way. The experimental arrangement creates different interference conditions, and the final result reflects the overall experimental interference arrangement.

Quantum Entanglement:

All Bell experiments only prove the existence of correlation, not the existence of causality or "entanglement." Quantum entanglement is a misnomer. The phenomenon of quantum entanglement is a particular manifestation of the second case of interactive measurement.

Taking the photon entanglement experiment as an example, GAI holds that the polarizers that detect photons on both sides reflect, causing the cascaded radiation crystals that "generate photon pairs" to produce polarized light dominantly along the direction of the polarizers on both sides because of the reflection enhancement. Or the experimental setup creates the entanglement or correlation. We can verify this picture experimentally.

Diamond color centers connected by optical fibers will naturally resonate, that is, coherent.

Uncertain principle:

All quanta are waves, and waves have distributed positions and momentums, and their degree of uncertainty satisfies a particular relation, that is the uncertainty principle.

Probability nature of the wave function:

It comes from the energy density distribution of quantum waves and the tunneling mechanism of quantum events.

GAI can explain all strange quantum phenomena, such as quantum tunneling, photon, spin, quantum Zeno effect, zero point energy, vacuum fluctuation, quantum non-cloning theorem, etc. It smoothly connects quantum field theory and classical theory simultaneously, and there is no intuitive understanding problem.

Philosophical implications:

The success of the quantum theory is the success of its formulation system, and the core of the formulation system is the Schrödinger equation. However, Schrödinger himself is highly disgusted with the physical image provided by the Copenhagen Interpretation. Einstein also held the same view. Later, people misinterpreted the Bell experiments, and the early mistakes of quantum theory were not corrected but became more and more bizarre.

Quantum mechanics based on the Copenhagen Interpretation has many problems: the fundamental concept is vague or unclear (quantum, Planck energy quantum concept), does not meet the clarity standard of scientific concepts (wave-particle duality), and cannot be verified or falsified ( probabilistic interpretation of the wave function, Schrödinger's Cat), weird concept (probability amplitude), misinterpreted experiments (quantum entanglement), non-physical processes (Copenhagen measurement), nihilism (objective reality doesn't exist), etc.

The root of these problems comes from the cognitive philosophy of reductionism: microscopic particles must be the most basic, most straightforward, and linear. This idea is only an assumption. The Standard Model tells us that physical systems are complex, nonlinear, and globally correlated, even at the microscopic scale. Based on the quantum mechanics interpreted by Copenhagen, trying to understand the complex physical process with an oversimplified theory will inevitably lead to confusion.

At this stage, although there is no clear definition of quantum, and because there is no clear definition, quantum is synonymous with mystery and superpower. Concepts such as mystery and superpowers are originally incompatible with science. The purpose of science is to explore the unknown and understand the world we live in. Mysticism and metaphysics have been popular for a long time because people's knowledge was limited then.

The mysticism and metaphysics that appeared in the worldview of quantum mechanics based on the Copenhagen Interpretation were also a reflection of people's limited knowledge at that time. Metaphysics is easy to get addicted to and hard to extricate yourself from. Although many serious scientists do not accept the Copenhagen Interpretation, and even the word "Copenhagen" does not appear in many textbooks, we still need a scientific and intuitive explanation for everyone to understand quantum mechanics.

GAI provides such an explanation. Although some details still need further investigation, the main difficulties have been solved, such as wave-particle duality, quantum entanglement, measurement, etc. These images still need additional experimental verification, but at least they do not contradict all existing experiments. GAI also explains physical phenomena that the Copenhagen Interpretation cannot explain, such as the quantum Zeno effect problem.

The confusion brought about by the Copenhagen Interpretation may be an embarrassing mistake in the history of science. Many concepts it puts forward, such as the non-existence of the objective world, quantum entanglement, etc., have been used by metaphysics and pseudoscience to obtain "scientifically based" claims such as telepathy, relative acupuncture, and moxibustion. What's worse is that scammers use it to concoct many fake products in the name of quantum.

The various weirdnesses in quantum mechanics show that the basic principles that scientific theories must obey have been distorted for a long time in fundamental quantum mechanics research.

GAI corrects the cognitive difficulties caused by Copenhagen Interpretation and has some new findings in philosophy:

The first is restoring objective reality, fixing the nihilism that denies the objective world. However, it does not return to the Newtonian absolute objective reality, but from the perspective of interactive measurement, cognition, and calculation, we concluded that objective reality is relative. It manifests as errors in physical measurement or uncertainties in cognitive methods and subjects.

Second, starting from the definition of matter(particle) provided by the standard worldview, we can deduce that materialism and idealism are the same.

Again, starting from objective reality, we can deduce that the future is determined. But due to the relativity of objective reality and the inherent flaws of calculation methods, we can infer that the determined future is only partially predictable. That is partially predictable determinism or relative determinism. This idea is consistent with our scientific research and practice in our daily life.

GAI restores and redefines objective reality, points out the problems of nihilism and Newtonian determinism, unifies materialism and idealism, and pulls quantum mechanics back from the edge of metaphysics to a traditional scientific theory.

The cognition of the microcosm is an essential part of our worldview and cosmology; in other words, it is the foundation. This massive change will inevitably lead to related research and cognition changes.