Fangting Li
Associate professor


Alma Mater:北京师范大学

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)


MOBILE Version

Scientific Research

Current position: Home > Scientific Research

Research Field

Research Field and recent work

·       Quantitative biology of yeast gene regulatory networks.

·       Non-equilibrium states of living cell systems.

·       Quantitative biology of immune system.


 Quantitative biology of yeast cell cycle

•        Critical slowing down and attractive manifold: a mechanism for dynamic robustness in yeast cell-cycle process. Physical Review E (2020)

•        Stochasticity triggers activation of the S-phase checkpoint pathway in budding yeast. Physical Review X (2021)

•        Multiple activation of the S-phase checkpoint (Under review in PNAS Nexus)

 Nonequilibrium states of living cell systems

•        Phosphorylation energy and nonlinear kinetics as key determinants for G2/M transition in fission yeast cell cycle. arXiv:1610.09637. (Submitted to PNAS) .

•        Positive and reverse mitotic wave under different phosphorylation energy (Under prepare)

•        ATP hydrolysis kinetics and thermodynamics as determinants of calcium oscillation in pancreatic β cells. Phys. Rev. Research (2022) 4, 043142.

  Quantitative biology of immune system

•        Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 and host immunity in infection and vaccine protection. ArXiv: 2101. 04477 (Under review in Plos Computation Biology).

•        A multicompartment mathematical model based on host immunity for dissecting COVID-19 heterogeneity. Heliyon (2022) 8(5) e09488.

•        Dynamically modeling the effective range of IL-2 dosage in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. iScience. (2022) 25(9):104911.


Representative papers


Yunsheng Sun, Dianjie Li, Congjian Ni, Yingda Ge, Hong Qian, Qi Ouyang, and Fangting Li (2022) ATP hydrolysis kinetics and thermodynamics as determinants of calcium oscillation in pancreatic β cells. Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043142. DOI:

Peijie Zhou, Xin Gao, Xiaoli Li, Linxi Li, Caoyuan Niu, Qi Ouyang, Huiqiang Lou, Tiejun Li, and Fangting Li (2021) Stochasticity triggers activation of the S-phase checkpoint pathway in budding yeast. Physical Review X 11, 011004. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.11.011004.

Yao Zhao, Dedi Wang, Zhiwen Zhang, Ying Lu, Xiaojing Yang, Qi Ouyang, Chao Tang, Fangting Li. (2020) Critical slowing down and attractive manifold: a mechanism for dynamic robustness in yeast cell-cycle process. Physical Review E 101, 042405. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.042405.

Lv Cheng, Li Xiaoguang, Li Fangting, Li Tiejun (2015) Energy Landscape Reveals That the Budding Yeast Cell Cycle Is a Robust and Adaptive Multi-stage Process. PLoS Comput. Biol. 11(3): e1004156. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004156.

Fangting Li, Tao Long, Ying Lu, Qi Ouyang & Chao Tang (2004) The yeast cell-cycle network is robustly designed. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:4781-4786.

Paper Publications

Research Projects


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