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  • 202011: 刘开辉研究员获得2020年度“国家杰出青年科学基金”.   Link1   Link2  

  • 202011: 我们的研究文章"Product-Specific Active Site Motifs of Cu for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction"发表在 Chem .   

  • 202010: 我们的研究文章"Ultrafast Optical Modulation of Harmonic Generation in Two- Dimensional Materials" 发表在 Nano Letters .   

  • 202009: 我们的研究文章"Optical fibres with embedded two-dimensional materials for ultrahigh nonlinearity" 发表在 Nature Nanotechnology .    Link1   Link2   Link3 

  • 202006: 我们的研究文章"Unveiling the Fine Structural Distortion of Atomically Thin Bi2O2Se by Third-Harmonic Generation"发表在 Advanced Materials .   

  • 202005: 我们的研究文章"Seeded growth of large single-crystal copper foils with high-index facets"发表在 Nature    Link1  Link2  Link3   Link4   Link5   Link6   Link7   Link8   Link9   Link10   Link11   Highlight


  • 201911: 刘开辉研究员获得2019年度“北京市自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金”.   Link1   

  • 201910: 我们的研究文章 "Extreme nonlinear strong-field photoemission from carbon nanotubes" 发表在 Nature Communications .   

  • 201908: 我们的研究文章 "Low-temperature epitaxy of transferable high-quality Pd(111) films on hybrid graphene/Cu(111) substrate" 发表在 Nano Research .   

  • 201908: 我们的研究文章 "The emerging properties of two-dimensional twisted bilayer materials" 发表在 Chinese Physics B,为纪念黄昆先生百年诞辰的热点综述。   

  • 201908: 我们的研究文章 "Ultrafast Catalyst-Free Graphene Growth on Glass Assisted by Local Fluorine Supply" 发表在 ACS Nano.   

  • 201908: 我们的研究文章 "Graphene photonic crystal fibre with strong and tunable light–matter interaction" 发表在 Nature Photonics.    Highlight Story   Link1   Link2   Link3   Link4     

  • 201907: 我们的研究文章 "Epitaxy of Single-Crystalline GaN Film on CMOS-Compatible Si(100) Substrate Buffered by Graphene" 发表在 Advanced Functional Materials.   

  • 201907: 我们的研究文章 "The Impacts of Adhesion on the Wear Property of Graphene" 发表在 Advanced Materials Interfaces.   

  • 201907: 我们的研究文章 "Strong-coupled hybrid structure of carbon nanotube and MoS2 monolayer with ultrafast interfacial charge transfer" 发表在 Nanoscale.   Cover Story   HOT Article   

  • 201907: 我们的研究文章 "Kinetic modulation of graphene growth by fluorine through spatially confined decomposition of metal fluorides" 发表在 Nature Chemistry.   Link1   Link2   Link3   Link4   Link5   Link6   

  • 201905: 我们的研究文章 "Epitaxial growth of a 100-square-centimetre single-crystal hexagonal boron nitride monolayer on copper" 发表在 Nature.    Link1   Link2   Link3   Link4   Link5   Link6   Link7   Link8   Link9   Link10   Link11   Link12     

  • 201904: 刘灿入选 “博士后创新人才支持计划”; 乔瑞喜入选 “北京大学博雅博士后项目支持计划”.  

  • 201904: 我们的研究文章 "Photoelectric conversion on Earth’s surface via widespread Fe- and Mn-mineral coatings" 发表在 PNAS.    Link1   Link2   Link3   

  • 201903: 我们的研究文章 "Controllable Growth of Aligned Monocrystalline CsPbBr3 Microwire Arrays for Piezoelectric-Induced Dynamic Modulation of Single-Mode Lasing" 发表在 Advanced Materials.  

  • 201903: 我们的研究文章 "Universal Imaging of Full Strain Tensor in 2D Crystals with Third-Harmonic Generation" 发表在 Advanced Materials.  

  • 201901: 我们的研究文章 "Ultrafast epitaxial growth of metre-sized single-crystal graphene on industrial Cu foil" 被评为 Science Bulletin 2018 年度高影响力论文.  


  • 201810: 我们的研究文章 "Ultrafast Broadband Charge Collection from Clean Graphene/CH3NH3PbI3 Interface" 发表在 JACS.  

  • 201808: 我们的研究文章 "Measurement of complex optical susceptibility for individual carbon nanotubes by elliptically polarized light excitation" 发表在 Nature Communications.   Link1  

  • 201808: 我们的研究文章 "Ultrafast and highly sensitive infrared photodetectors based on two-dimensional oxyselenide crystals" 发表在 Nature Communications.   Link1   Link2   Link3  

  • 201805: 周旭博士入选 “博士后创新人才支持计划”.    Link1  

  • 201803: 我们的研究文章 "Probing Phonon Dynamics in Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes" 发表在 Nano Letters.   Link1   Link2  

  • 201803: 我们的邀请综述文章 "Interfacial engineering in graphene bandgap" 发表在 Chemical Society Reviews.    Link1   Link2   COVER STORY  

  • 201801: 刘开辉研究员被聘为Science Bulletin 副主编 .




  • 201612: 刘开辉研究员被评为2016闪耀中国“十大新锐” 科技人物.

  • 201608: 我们的研究文章"Ultrafast growth of single-crystal graphene assisted by a continuous oxygen supply" 发表在 Nature Nanotechnology.    Link1   Link2   Link3   Link4   Link5  

  • 201608: 我们的研究文章"Far-field nanoscale infrared spectroscopy of vibrational fingerprints of molecules with graphene plasmons"发表在Nature Communications.    Link1

  • 201608: 我们的研究文章"High-Resolution Tracking Asymmetric Lithium Insertion and Extraction and Local Structure Ordering in SnS2"发表在Nano Letters.

  • 201606: 刘开辉研究员作为课题组长承担 国家重大研发计划 (原973计划).

  • 201605: 我们的邀请综述文章"Structure–property relations in individual carbon nanotubes"发表在Journal of the Optical Society of America B.

  • 201603: 我们的研究文章"Tuning the photo-response in monolayer MoS2 by plasmonic nano-antenna"发表在Scientific Reports.

  • 201603: 我们的研究文章"Ultrafast Nonlinear Photoresponse of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes: A Broadband Degenerate Investigation"发表在Nanoscale.

  • 201601: 我们的研究文章"Optical Anisotropy of Black Phosphorus in the Visible Regime"发表在 JACS.

  • 201601: 我们的研究文章"High-Throughput Determination of Statistical Structure Information for Horizontal Carbon Nanotube Arrays by Optical Imaging"发表在 Advanced Materials.    Link1

  • 201601: 我们的研究文章"Observation of Strong Interlayer Coupling in MoS2/WS2 Heterostructures" 发表在 Advanced Materials.



  • 201510: 我们的研究文章"BN-Enabled Epitaxy of Pb1–xSnxSe Nanoplates on SiO2/Si for High-Performance Mid-Infrared Detection"发表在Small.

  • 201509: 我们的研究文章"Atomic-Scale Probing of the Dynamics of Sodium Transport and Intercalation-Induced Phase Transformations in MoS2"发表在ACS Nano.

  • 201509: 我们的研究文章 “Surface-Facet-Dependent Phonon Deformation Potential in Individual Strained Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Nanoribbons” 发表在 ACS Nano.

  • 201508: 我们的研究文章 “Photovoltaic Effect and Evidence of Carrier Multiplication in Graphene Vertical Homojunctions with Asymmetrical Metal Contacts” 发表在 ACS Nano.

  • 201508: 刘老师被选为“优秀青年”.

  • 201506: 我们的研究文章"Strong Second-Harmonic Generation in Atomic Layered GaSe"发表在JACS.    Link1

  • 201506: 我们的研究文章"Single-Crystal Atomic-Layered Molybdenum Disulfide Nanobelts with High Surface Activity"发表在ACS Nano.


  • 201411: 我们的研究文章 “Three-Dimensional Spirals of Atomic Layered MoS2” 发表在 Nano Letters.    Link1

  • 201410: 我们的研究文章 “Van der Waals-coupled electronic states in incommensurate double-walled carbon nanotubes” 发表在Nature Physics.    Link1   Link2

  • 201409: 我们的研究文章 “Evolution of interlayer coupling in twisted molybdenum disulfide bilayers” 发表在Nature Communications.

  • 201405: 我们的研究文章 “Systematic determination of absolute absorption cross-section of individual carbon nanotubes” 发表在PNAS.

  • 201403: 我们的课题组成立啦!


  • 201311: 刘老师的研究文章 “High-throughput optical imaging and spectroscopy of individual carbon nanotubes in devices” 发表在 Nature Nanotechnology.    Link1   Link2   Link3

  • 201301: 刘老师的研究文章 “Quantum-coupled radial-breathing oscillations in double-walled carbon nanotubes” 发表在 Nature Communications.

  • 201205: 刘老师的研究文章 “An atlas of carbon nanotube optical transitions” 发表在 Nature Nanotechnology.    Link1   Link2

  • 200901: 刘老师的研究文章 "Chirality-Dependent Transport Properties of Double-Walled Nanotubes Measured in Situ on Their Field-Effect Transistors" 发表在 JACS.    Link1   Link2