Renmin Ma


Basic Information

School/Department:School of Physics
Administrative Position:Deputy director, Frontiers Science Center for Nano Professional Title:Professor
Degree:Doctoral degree


Postdoctoral Research Fellows

We seek highly motivated postdocs with the solid scientific strength in one of the following areas: plasmonics, nanopotonics,metamaterials,lasers, nanofabrication,and nanomaterials.

Graduate Students

We are actively looking for self-motivated graduate students who would like to conduct research at the frontier of science and engineering. We are particularly interested in students with background in one or more of the following areas: lasers, photonics, engineering, physics and materials science. The successful applicants will have opportunities to develop excellent stills in multiple aspects, including electromagnetic modeling, micro-/nano-fabrication, device processing, advanced optical and electrical characterization.

Undergraduate Students

We welcome undergraduate students who want to gain research experience in the general fields of lasers, phtonics, electromagnetic modeling, nano devices, and micro/nano fabrication.

Visiting Students and Scholars

We are interested in prospective, self-supported graduate students and visiting scholars with fellowships/scholarships, who would like to explore the research areas of nanolasers, plasmonics, nanomaterial engineering, optical instrumentation and characterizations, micro/nano fabrication.

If you are interested in one of the aforementioned positions, please contact Dr. Renmin Ma via email ( In your email, please briefly describe your background, research interest and experience, along with your full curriculum vitae. Please note that only candidates with a suitable match with the positions will be contacted.


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