Personal Homepage

Personal Information:


School/Department:Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics

Zhiyong Meng


Administrative Position: Associate Dean

Alma Mater: Texas A&M University

Research Group

Current position: Home / Scientific Research / Research Group


Severe Weather Analysis and Numerical Simulation

My Web of Science

My Researchgate: 


Ruilin Zhou: joined in 2016, Ph.D candidate, works on the formation environment of mid-latitude tornadoes

Sa li: joined in 2017, Ph.D candidate, works on the organization of MCS  associated with warm-sector heavy rainfall in South China

Hongjun Liu: joined in 2018, Ph.D candidate, works on convection initiation over complex terrain

Yuning Zhu: joined in 2018, Master candidate, works on MCS associated with cold vortex in North China

Jinyi Wen: joined in 2019, Ph.D candidate, works on tornadoes in landfall tropical cyclone
