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课题组新闻 | News
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  • 课题组新闻 | NEWS: 本组近期计划招聘2023年入站博士后1人,2024级博士生1人,并欢迎对本组科研感兴趣的本科生或访问学生咨询交流学习机会(本消息有效期:2023/5 - )。I am always looking for highly motivated PhD/master/undergraduate students and Postdoctoral Fellows to work in my lab. We study the geography of global inland waters, and we develop physically-based models, data-driven methods, and geographic information data infrastructures to improve our fundamental understanding of the river-climate and river-human relationships. Please reach out to peironglinlin@pku.edu.cn if you are interested in working @ GeoWater lab @ PKU.

  • 2023-04:课题组新闻 NEWS | PI Dr. Lin gave a PICO presentation at the European Geophysical Union (EGU) international conference, Vienna, Austria (2023/4/25).

  • 2023-04:课题组新闻 NEWS | 课题组学生参加北京大学“挑战杯”赛事,并取得好成绩。

    • Xiangyong Lei gave a talk on the 2022 Pakistan flood and its hydrometeorological drivers, and won the 2nd Prize.

    • Kaihao Zheng gave a talk on global geomorphic floodplain mapping, and won the 1st Prize.

    • Zimin Yuan gave a talk on the global hydraulic geometry, and won the 3rd Prize. Congrats all to our group members!

  • 2023-04:课题组新闻 NEWS | I worked with a group of young hydrologists from China, and we have coauthored a paper on advocating hydrologic data sharing in China. We hope this could help with filling the blanks on global river gauge data maps, improving hydrologic modeling/forecasting skills, and advance our scientific understanding of river flow variability. See published Perspective article below:

    • Lin, J., B. Bryan, X. Zhou, P. Lin, et al. Making China’s water data accessible, usable and shareable. Nature Water.

  • 2023-04:课题组新闻 NEWS | Co-authored paper published in Water Resources Research and Nature Water.

    • Durand et al. (including Lin): A Framework for Estimating Global River Discharge From the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Satellite Mission, WRR.

    • Xu et al. (including Lin): A global-scale framework for hydropower development incorporating strict environmental constraints, Nature Water.

  • 2023-03: 课题组新闻 NEWS | As Co-I, we obtained a national grant to investigate the water availability issues under climate change. Exciting project and great team collaborators for the coming 4 years. 国家重点研发计划,子课题负责人(2022/11 - 2027/10)

  • 2023-01: 课题组新闻 | Dr. Lin's first-authored paper is now published in Remote Sensing of EnvironmentSee link here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0034425723000408. In this paper, we critically assessed how the SWOT discharge algorithm BAM/geoBAM perform at three-thousand distinctly located rivers globally. This is one of the few studies that prioritized "global generalizability" over "perfect skills at limited places", where promises and challenges are discussed. We believe similar large-scale assessment would be key to identifying emerging challenges as we move into the new era with global river monitoring capability from space. 

    • Reference: Lin, P., D. Feng, C.J. Gleason, M. Pan, C. Brinkerhoff, X. Yang, H. Beck, R. Frasson (2023): Inversion of river discharge from remotely sensed river widths: A critical assessment at three-thousand global river gauges. Remote Sensing of Environment, 287, 113489.

  • 2022-10: 学术服务与奖励 | Dr. Lin is honorded to be selected for the "College GIS Forum Young Scientist Award" (高校GIS新锐奖) ! Dr. Lin will give a talk at the College GIS Forum on 10/30.

    • See the News: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/by7C1Izgg3zBoM6MruE32g.

  • 2022-09: 实验室成员将参加年底AGU秋季会议以及年底三校国际地理信息论坛 | It's great to see our members from the GeoWater lab submitted their abstracts to the AGU Fall Meeting, and the IGWG 2022 meeting hosted by the HK PolyU, PKU, and Wuhan University. Details below:

    • Ziyun Yin (first-year PhD student at PKU): oral talk at AGU

    • Xiongyong Lei (first-year PhD student at PKU): oral talk at IGWG

    • Meng Ding (visiting student from Kansas State U): oral talk at AGU

    • Kaihao Zheng (senior-year undergrads): poster at AGU/oral talk at IGWG

    • Zimin Yuan (senior-year undergrads): talk at IGWG

  • 2022-09:科研项目 | As PI, Dr. Lin's proposed research project on global floodplain mapping was funded by the CBAS international center. 可持续发展大数据国际研究中心青年科学家项目,负责人(2022/10-2023/12)

    • We will work on improving our understanding of the floodplain and their changes/risks in the coming 1.5 years.

  • 2022-09: 实验室新闻 | Welcome to Ziyun Yin and Xiongyong Lei for officially joining the GeoWater lab as PhD students.

  • 2022-09: 会议组织 | Convened a session on "Climate Adaptation and Mitigation to Changing Water Availability and Water Hazards" in FBAS 2022 International Forum. We are honored to have invited Prof. Qiuhong Tang from CAS, Prof. Yue Qin from Peking University, Prof. Hong Xuan Do from Nong Lam University, Dr. Andrew Smith from Fathom, and Dr. Menaka Revel from University of Tokyo to join us as the invited speaker! 

    • See the session details and recorded video here: https://fbas2022.scimeeting.cn/cn/web/program/14428

  • 2022-08: 会议组织 |  I convened a session named "New methods in hydrologic monitoring and modeling" at the 9th summer meeting for CYWater! (together with Gang Zhao from Stanford, Hui Lu from Tsinghua University, Xiaogang He from National University of Singapore, and Yao Li from Xinan University).

  • 2022-05: 实验室新闻 | Undergraduate student Kaihao Zheng won the First Prize in the Challenging Cup competition for his research work on levee detection advised by Dr. Lin. This competition consists of mostly masters or PhD students (can be in teams or single player), with less than 10% undergrads participating. Kaihao completed the competition on his own and won the award. Big congratulations!

  • 2022-04-25: 科研成果 | Co-authored paper published in Nature Sustainability! Another work examining our rivers using an earth system science view, and a collaborative effort with the DryRiverRCN team, led by Corey Krabbenhoft. See article link here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-022-00873-0.

  • 2022-04: 学术服务与奖励 | Water Resources Research Editors has recommended that I receive the 2021 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Water Resources Research! Honored to receive such positive feedbacks as a reviewer.

  • 2022-01: 学术服务与奖励 | Joining Journal of Remote Sensing as a Young Editorial Board Member.

  • 2022-1-17: 实验室招聘 | The prestigious Boya Postdoc Fellowship application is open this year! Check out the application notice here: https://postdocs.pku.edu.cn/tzgg/134996.htm. If you are interested in working at PKU as a postdoc and expand your research topics on using remote sensing/GIS to addressing water-energy-food-ecology nexus problems, you may have the opportunity to work collaboratively with several faculty members in our department (Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS @ PKU), with myself being the major advisor. Note two deadlines are in March and September, respectively. Interested candidates may email peironglinlin@pku.edu.cn and a brief research statement and CV would be helpful.

  • 2021: 科研成果 | Several papers that I co-authored are published recently. Check out:

    • Feng, D., Gleason, C.J., Lin, P., Yang, X., Pan, M., Ishitsuka, Y. (2021): Recent changes to Arctic river discharge (Nature Communications).

    • Gao, S., Chen, M., Lin, P., Hong, Z., Allen, D., Neeson, T., Hong, Y. (2021): Spatiotemporal variability of global river extent and the natural driving factors revealed by decades of Landsat observations, GRACE gravimetry observations, and land surface model simulations (Remote Sensing of Environment).

    • Riggs, R., Allen, G.H., David C.H., Lin, P., Pan, M., Yang, X., Gleason, C.J. (2021): RODEO: An algorithm and Google Earth Engine application for river discharge retrieval from Landsat (Environmental Modelling & Software)

  • 2021-12/18-19: 会议组织 | I chaired the 3rd International Graduate Workshop on Geoinformatics (IGWG) for a two-day event. This workshop is co-organized by Peking University, Wuhan University, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. This year PKU is the leading organizer. 59 students from 14 universities presented their work orally, judged by 10 faculty advisors we invited from PKU, WHU, PolyU, and U Minnesota.

  • 2021-07-31 to 08-01: 会议组织 |  I convened a session named "New methods in hydrologic monitoring and modeling" at the 9th summer meeting for CYWater! (together with Hui Lu from Tsinghua University, Xiaogang He from National University of Singapore, and Yanhong Gao from CAS).

  • 2021-07-27: 科研报告 | I gave an invited talk at the "Quantitative Remote Sensing Summer School", one of the most influential summer programs at Peking University for the past 20 years. The topic is on the "Role of geospatial information techniques on the global high-resolution river discharge modeling".

  • 2021-06-30: 科研报告 | I gave an invited talk at Hydro90. 200+ audience showed up, with a lot of great questions. See more about Hydro90 on Twitter (https://twitter.com/hydro90er?lang=en).

  • 2021 Summer: 实验室新闻 | I will join Peking University as a tenure-track Assistant Professor! Please contact peironglinlin@pku.edu.cn for further correspondence, or if you are interested in joining us at PKU! (PKU is located in Beijing, China, and the program is from Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS at School of Earth and Space Sciences. We will use an Earth System Science approach to study global water problems @ GeoWater lab)

  • 2021-01-28: 科研成果 | I published three first-author papers since joining Princeton as a postdoc in June 2018. Check out Lin et al. (2019; WRR), Lin et al. (2020; GRL) and Lin et al (2021; Scientific Data). These three papers all focused on global rivers (e.g., discharge, bankfull width, and drainage density) and would lay the foundation for many ensuing global river studies!

  • 2020-12-09: 会议组织 | I, together with George Allen (TAMU), Xiao Yang (UNC), Rodrigo Paiva convened a AGU session on "Remote sensing and modeling of global rivers from the headwaters to the ocean".