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Degree:Doctoral degree



Paper Publications

Design of a Compact Magnets System for a Hybrid 2.45 GHz Microwave 7Li3+ Ion Source
Date of Publication:2020-04-25 Hits:

Impact Factor:1.114
Journal:Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
Key Words:Hybrid Ion Source, Li3+ ion generation, magnetfic field configuration, PIC.
Abstract:A hybrid ion source with a combination of a 2.45Ghz microwave source and a thermal surface ionization source was designed to generate 7Li3+ ion beam. A minimum-B type magnetic field configuration that consists of axial mirror field and hexapole field was designed. During the process of the magnets system. The magnetic field configuration. The mechanical structure of the source body and the water-cooling system have been carefully calculated and verified. An electrostatic Particle in Cell (PIC)code was developed to simulate the motion of electrons in the designed magnetic field to verify the reasonability of the design.
Indexed by:Journal paper
Discipline:Natural Science
First-Level Discipline:Physics
Document Type:J
Page Number:164019
Translation or Not:yes
Date of Publication:2020-04-25
Included Journals:SCI、EI
Links to published journals:
Date of Publication:2020-04-25