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发表了 210 多篇(部)研究论文和译著,摘选如下:

(1) "The CWZ Subtraction Scheme (a New Renormalization Prescription for

QCD) and its Application" by S. QIAN, IIT Ph.D. Thesis, University

Microfilms International 8517585, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A. (1985).

(2) "Characteristics of Inelastic Interactions of High Energy Hadrons with

Atomic Electrons" by S. QIAN and A. Van GINNEKEN, Nucl. Inst. and

Meth. A256, 285 (1987).

(3) "Energy Deposition in Large Targets by 1~20 Tev Proton Beams" by S. QIAN

and A. Van GINNEKEN, Fermilab FN-514, SSC lab SSC-N-641 (1989).

(4) "Simultaneous Pattern Recognition and Track Fitting by the KALMAN

Filtering Method" by P. BILLOIR and S. QIAN, Nucl. Inst. and

Meth. A294, 219 (1990).

(5) "Fast Vertex Fitting with a Local Parametrization of Tracks" by P. BILLOIR

and S. QIAN, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A311, 139 (1992).

(6) “Monte-Carlo Simulation for the Scintillating Fibres Tracking Detector and

its Resolution Evaluation” by C. D’AMBROSIO and S. QIAN, Nucl.

Inst. and Meth. A335, 341 (1993).

(7) “A Steering Procedure for the Fast Vertex Fitting Method” by S. QIAN,

Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A350, 618 (1994).

(8) “Design and Performance of an Object Oriented Model for CMS Track

Reconstruction" by I. GAINES, T. HUEHN and S. QIAN, in the

Proceedings of the Computing in High Energy Physics Conference (i.e. \

CHEP’97), Berlin, Germany (4/1997); also filed as CMS CR/1997-018.

(9) “More Performance Results and Implementation of an OO Track

Reconstruction Model in Different OO Frameworks”,by I. Gaines and S.

Qian, in the Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Advanced

Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (i.e.

ACAT'2000, formerly AIHENP) at Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA (10/2000);

AIP Conference Proceedings, 583(1), 133 (2001)


(10) “Implementation of an Object Oriented Track Reconstruction Model in

Multiple LHC Experiments”, by I. Gaines, S. Gonzalez and S. Qian, in

the Proceedings of the Computing in High Energy Physics International

Conference (i.e. CHEP’2000), Padova, Italy (2/2000); Computer Physics

Communications, 140, 21 (10/2001).

(11) “Assembly and Quality Certification for the First Station of CMS Endcap

RPCs (RE1)”, by Z. Aftab et al., (S. Qian as the corresponding author).

in the Proceedings of the VIII International Workshop on Resistive Plate

Chambers and Related Detectors (i.e. RPC2005), Seoul, Korea (10/2005);

Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), 158, 103 (2006).

(12) “Grid Computing at Peking University in EUChinaGRID Project”, by W.

Gong et al., (S. Qian as the corresponding author), in the proceedings of

“2007 International Symposium on Grid Computing” (i.e. ISGC’2007)

at Taipei (2009).

(13) “J/   Reconstruction in CMS”, by Z. Yang and S. Qian, Chinese

Physics, C33 (3), 161 (2009).

(14) “Study Bottomium Production and Polarization with CMS Experiment” (in

Chinese), by L. Liu, S. Qian and Z. Yang, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium

Universitatis Pekinensis, 45 (2), 371 (2009).

(15) “Feasibility Study of a J/ Cross Section Measurement with Early CMS

Data”, by Z. Yang and S. Qian, Chinese Physics, C33 (8) 609, (2009).

(16) “Prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV”,

by V. Khachatryan et al. (CMS Collaboration), Eur. Phys. J., C71, 1575


(17) “The Curies – a Biography of the Most Controversial Family in

Science”, by D. Brian (2005, Wiley Publisher); translated to

Chinese by Z. Wang and S. Qian (2011, Hunan Science &

Technology Press), 369 pages, ISBN: 978-7-5357-6627-4.