
Disorder in Mn+1AXn phases at the atomic scale.NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,622
Radiation tolerance of La-doped nanocrystalline steel under heavy-ion irradiation at different temperatures.Nanotechnology,494001
Ultrastrong nanocrystalline steel with exceptional thermal stability and radiation tolerance.NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,5389
A coupled effect of dehydration and electrostatic interactions on selective ion transport through charged nanochannels.Nanoscale,18821
Thermal effects in ion irradiated Ti2AlC and Ti3SiC2.Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research,50–55
Ultrafast ion sieving using nanoporous polymeric membranes.NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,569
Effects of temperature on the irradiation responses of Al0.1CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy.Scripta Materialia,31–35
Role of the X and n factors in ion-irradiation induced phase transformations of Mn+1AXn phases.Acta Materialia,432-446
Formation of nano-twinned structure in Ti3AlC2 induced by ion-irradiation.Acta Materialia,1-11
Ion-irradiation-induced structural evolution in Ti4AlN3.Scripta Materialia,19–23