
Basic Information

School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences
Administrative Position:Assistant Professor Professional Title:Researcher
Degree:Doctoral degree


Dr. Hui Wu received both Bachelor and Doctoral degrees from the Department of Hydraulic Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2010 and 2015 respectively. After working in Tsinghua University as a postdoc for two years, Dr. Wu joined the Computational Geosciences Group in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as a postdoctoral research staff member in 2017, and became a Staff Scientist in 2020. In March 2022, Dr. Wu joined the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University as an Assistant Professor.

Dr. Wu's research focuses on the understanding, modeling and analysis of hydro-thermal-mechanical (THM) coupled processes in subsurface systems including fractured reservoirs and porous media, with a broad range of applications in unconventional energy recovery, enhanced geothermal systems, CO2 sequestration, geotechnical engineering and environmental remediation. His research aims to: 1) Develop high-fidelity methods to characterize flow and transport in subsurface systems where direct observations/measurements are sparse; and 2) Develop numerical algorithms to model THM-coupled processes and analyze uncertainties associated with fluid flow and mass/heat transport in subsurface systems. The main goal is to provide robust and efficient numerical modeling and uncertainty quantification approaches for risk assessment and decision-making in large-scale applications addressing environment and energy concerns.

Postdoc and Ph.D. positions are available in Dr. Wu's group, including but not limited to: Enhanced geothermal system, Rock/Soil mechanics, High-performance computing, Data assimilation, Deep learning assisted reservoir characterization and exploitation. Please contact Dr. Wu at hui.wu@pku.edu.cn for more details.

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