Gender: Male
Alma Mater: 北京大学
Paper Publications
[11] Multiple Magnetic Reconnection Events Observed by Cluster: current calculating, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 635-643, 2004.
[12] On capture and acceleration of heavy ions (alpha-particle) in high-speed solar wind, Sci. China, 385-393, 2002.
[13] Alfven soliton and intermediate shock in the solar wind, Terr. Atmos. Ocean Sci., 351-364, 2001.
[14] The dissipation length of kinetic Alfven wave and solar wind accelerating, Sci. China, 2000.
[16] The temperature distribution between protons and electrons and the dissipation of kinetic Alfven wave in the solar wind, 1998.
[17] Visualization and criticality of magnetotail field topology in a three-dimensional particle simulation, Earth Planets Space, 1011-1019, 2001.
[18] Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell Code Using High Performance Fortran on PC Cluster, 2002.
[19] Multiple Magnetic Reconnection Events Observed by CLUSTER II, Proceedings of the Magnetic Reconnection Meeting, IRF Scientific Report, 60-64, 2003.
[20] Multiple Flux rope events at the high-latitude magnetopause: Cluster/RAPID observations on January 26, 2001 (I), Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 197, 2004.