Gender: Male
Alma Mater: 北京大学
Paper Publications
[21] Simulation studies of high-latitude magnetospheric boundary dynamics, , Science In China, 421-435, 2004.
[22] Multiple Flux Rope Events on Jan. 26, 2001 Observed at High-Latitude Magnetopause: Cluster/RAPID Measurements, Survey of Geophysics, 193-214, 2005.
[23] Simulation Studies of High-Latitude Magnetospheric Boundary Dynamics, Survey of Geophysics, 369-386, 2005.
[24] Dimensional analysis of observed structures using multipoint magnetic field measurements: Application to Cluster, Geophys. Rev. Lett., L12105, 2005.
[25] Energetic Particles in the Cusp Region during a storm recovery p hase, Survey of Geophysics, 241-254, 2005.
[26] The Large-scale source regions of coronal mass ejections, IAU symposium, 196, 2005.
[27] Resonant heating of ions by parallel propagating alfven waves in solar coronal holes, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophys., 285-294, 2005.
[28] A new method of identifying 3D null points in solar vector magnetic fields, Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophys., 443-447, 2005.
[29] Continuous lobe reconnection in the mid-tail and its relationship to substorms: Cluster observations of continuous lobe reconnection in the mid-magneto tail, Chinese Science Buttetin, 2057-2063, 2005.
[30] Correlation between continuous lobe reconnection in the mid magnetotail and substorm expansion onset, Chinese Science Buttetin, 2795-2804, 2006.