

Alma Mater:Peking University

[MORE] Academic Honor:

2015  Winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

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Quantum many-body system


Focus on nucleon-nucleon interactions and first-principles calculations of many-body quantum systems, including three-body forces derived from the chiral effective field theory (chiral EFT), Gamow shell model and Gamow in-medium similarity renormalization group (Gamow IM-SRG).

Selected publications:

1.       B. S. Hu , Q. Wu, Q. Yuan, Y. Z. Ma, X. Q. Yan, and F. R. Xu, Nuclear multipole responses from chiral effective field theory interactions, Phys. Rev. C 101, 044309 (2020).

2.       B.S. Hu, Q. Wu, J.G. Li, Y.Z. Ma, Z.H. Sun, N. Michel, F.R. Xu, An ab-initio Gamow shell model approach with a core, Physics Letters B 802, 135206 (2020).

3.       Y.Z. Ma, F.R. Xu, L. Coraggio, B.S. Hu, J.G. Li, T. Fukui, L. De Angelis, N. Itaco, A.Gargano, Chiral three-nucleon force and continuum for dripline nuclei and beyond, Physics Letters B 802, 135257 (2020).

4.       J. G. Li, N. Michel , B. S. Hu , W. Zuo, and F. R. Xu, Ab initio no-core Gamow shell-model calculations of multi-neutron systems, Phys. Rev. C. 100, 054313 (2019).

5.       B.S. Hu, Q. Wu, Z.H. Sun, F.R. Xu, “Ab initio Gamow in-medium similarity renormalization group with resonance and continuum”, Phys. Rev. C. 99, 061302(R) (2019).

6.       Y. Z. Ma, L. Coraggio, L. De Angelis, T. Fukui, A. Gargano, N. Itaco, and F. R. Xu, Contribution of chiral three-body forces to the monopole component of the effective shell-model Hamiltonian, Phys. Rev. C 100, 034324 (2019).

7.       Q. Wu, F.R. Xu, B.S. Hu and J.G. Li, “Perturbation calculations of nucleon–nucleon effective interactions in the Hartree–Fock basis”, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 46, 055104 (2019).

8.       Q. Wu, B. S. Hu, F. R. Xu, Y. Z. Ma, S. J. Dai, Z. H. Sun, and G. R. Jansen, “Chiral NNLOsat descriptions of nuclear multipole resonances within the random-phase approximation”, Phys. Rev. C 97, 054306 (2018).

9.       Z.H. Sun, Q. Wu, Z.H. Zhao, B.S. Hu, S.J. Dai, F.R. Xu, “Resonance and continuum Gamow shell model with realistic nuclear forces”, Phys. Lett. B 769, 227 (2017).

10.    B.S. Hu, F.R. Xu, Z.H. Sun, J.P. Vary, T. Li, “Ab initio nuclear many-body perturbation calculations in the Hartree-Fock basis”, Phys. Rev. C 94, 014303 (2016).


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