


  • (Invited Plenary Speaker) “New opportunities of laser spectroscopy on exotic nuclei”, National nuclear physics conference 2023(第十八届全国核物理大会), Huzhou, Zhejiang, China, 12-16 May 2023

  • (Invited)“Shape coexistence investigated by high-resolution laser spectroscopy” Workshop on Shape Coexistence, E0 Transitions, and Related Topics, Geulph, Canada, 1-5May, 2023 (online)

  • (Invited)“Discussion of the opportunities for laser spectroscopy studies of exotic nuclei at HIAF RIB facility”, Symposium on the Frontier Research of Nuclear Structure and Reaction based at RIB facilities (基于大科学装置的核结构和核反应基础前沿问题研讨会), Huizhou, Guangdong, China, 4-5th May, 2023

  • (Invited)“The opportunities to study the hyperfine structure of the atoms or molecule containing  unstable heavy nuclei”Symposium on unstable and superheavy nuclei(不稳定核和超重核研究学术研讨会), Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 9-12nd April 2023

  •              (Oral) Development of the collinear laser spectroscopy system for the study of unstable nuclei at BRIF facility” EMIS 2022,RISP/IBS, Daejeon, Korea, October 3-7, 2022

  •  (Invited) 基于精密激光核谱技术的不稳定核奇特结构研究” Symposium on Nuclear Physics Frontiers and Intersections(SYNPFI),8月25日-8月28日, 2022 北京,香山饭店

  • (Invited) “核外电子与原子核的交叉作用会带来什么” 新一代奇异核素工厂与奇异核素性质研究暑期学校 – 河南新乡,7月15日-8月04日, 2020 (线上

  • (Invited) 3rd International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and their Applications – HYPERFINE2021, 5-10th, Sep, 2021 (罗马尼亚

  • (Invited Plenary Speaker ) 丰中子新幻数的最新研究及激光核谱实验室建设进展” (2021年度全国核反应大会) National Nuclear reaction conference, 15-21th June2021

  •  (Invited)  “Exotic nuclear structure studies of neutron-rich nuclei at PKU”  NSFC/JSPS/NRF A3 Foresight Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century Program  “Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century ”  2020 Annual Meeting, HuiZhouChina, 18-19 November, 2020

  • (Invited) “Laser spectroscopy at BRIF” BRIF User Meeting, Beijing, China, 10th December, 2019

  •   (Invited)  “Nuclear structure studies in the Ca/Ni region using laser  spectroscopy” JSPS/NRF/NSFC A3 Foresight Program “Nuclear Physics in the  21st Century” Joint Kickoff Meeting, Kobe, Japan, 6-7th December, 2019

  • (Invited )“Probing the exotic nuclear structure via high-resolution laser spectroscopy”WLA 2nd Annual Forum(第二届世界顶尖科学家论坛), Shanghai, China, 29th Otc -1st Nov., 2019

  • (Invited Plenary Speaker) “Nuclear structure of unstable nuclei studied by using precision laser spectroscopy” National nuclear physics conference 2019(第十七届全国核物理大会), Wuhan, China, 09-12 October, 2019

  • (Invited Plenary speaker) “High-Resolution  Laser Spectroscopy for the Study of Exotic Nuclear Properties” INPC  2019, Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow,UK, 29 July-2 August, 2019

  •  (Invited ) “Precision Laser Spectroscopy”基于华南大科学装置集群的核物理前沿暑期讲习班 (Summer School) Zhuhai, China, 15 July,2019

  •  (Invited) “Nuclear  properties of neutron rich isotopes in Ca region” Many body system with  strong interaction workshop, Lanzhou, China, 10-15 June, 2019

  • (Invited) “Laser  spectroscopy techniques: For the nuclear properties of exotic isotopes”  Workshop on Physics at HAIF High-Energy Beam lines, Beihang Uni.  Beijing, China, December13-15,2018

  • (Invited) “Nuclear moments of exotic isotope in the Ni region” gSPEC workshop, Milan, Italy, September 27-28th, 2018

  •  (Invited) “Nuclear  structure studies by using the nuclear properties” 20th Northeastern  Asian Symposium on Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century, Nagoya, Japan,  September 18-21,2018

  • (Invited)“Laser spectroscopy techniques for the study of radioactive isotopes”. Sino-German-Workshop, Lanzhou, China, August13-15th, 2018

  •  (Invited)“Nuclear moment studies using collinear laser spectroscopy”, Nuclear Structure 2018, East Lansing, MI, USA, August 5-10, 2018

  •  (Plenary speaker) “Investigating nuclear structure of exotic isotopes by laser spectroscopy” National Nuclear Structure conference (全国核结构大会) 2018, Dalian, China, July, 2018

  • (Invited)“Nuclear charge radii probed by laser spectroscopy”, Workshop “QED and QCD Effects in Atomic and Hadron Physics”, CAS, Lanzhou, China, 31st Jan-5th Feb 2018