Yanlin Ye
Gender: Male
Education Level: Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
Administrative Position: 核科学与技术研究院常务副院长、国家精品课程主持人、兰州重离子加速器国家实验室学术委员会副主任
Alma Mater: 法国Grenoble大学
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Physics of exotic nuclei.Nature reviews physics,7,21-37,2025,null Nature reviews physics, 7, 2025. :21-37
Clustering in nuclei: progress and perspectives.Nuclear Science and Techniques,35,216,2024,null Nuclear Science and Techniques, 35, 2024. :216
Digital signal acquisition system for complex nuclear reaction experiments.Nuclear Science and Techniques,35,12,2024,null Nuclear Science and Techniques, 35, 2024. :12
Observation of the Exotic 02+ Cluster State in 8He.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,131,242501,2023,null PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 131, 2023. :242501
Nuclear linear-chain structure arises in carbon-14.COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS,6,220,2023,null COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, 6, 2023. :220