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          目前主要开展不稳定原子核奇特结构的实验研究,具体见团队主页 http://genp.pku.edu.cn/  或招生信息中的附件“工作方向介绍”(可点击浏览器打开个人主页后下载附件)。

         自然界存在的稳定核素只有大约300个, 在实验室或天体极高温环境中可以产生的不稳定核素, 可以达到上万个. 这些放射性核素的产生和研究(RIB物理), 是对广阔未知核素版图的开拓, 需要逐步发展新的装置手段和理论模型. RIB物理发展初期获得的一系列新的认知, 如晕和集团等奇特结构、新幻数和壳演化、软巨共振等新的集体运动模式等等, 均起源于实验的偶然发现, 具有很强的探索性. 不稳定核的研究, 又与核天体过程以及攀登“超重元素稳定岛”密切相关, 涉及当今国际聚焦的重大前沿交叉科学问题.不稳定核区的测量, 也能够提供核燃料和核废料生成及演变中大量的核数据, 具有重要的应用和战略价值.。详见论文Nature Review Physics https://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-024-00782-5 

      The group is basically devoted to the research with Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs). RIBs are produced in nuclear reactions, such as the projectile fragmentation (PF) or the isotope separation on-line (ISOL). After the production, unstable nuclei of interest can be selected by electromagnetic separators. With RIBs, a broad new field on the nuclear chart can be opened and many new phenomena have been and will be explored, such as halo and clustering, new magic numbers, shell evolutions and so on. New technologies have also been developed along with the new physics. Over the years, the group has carried-out physics experiments at large-scale facilities world-wide, and has also developed the new detection technologies at the “Laboratory for subatomic particle detection” which is part of the SKLNPT.