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王福州, 乔世一, 郭京京, 王金伟, 张翱, 张春秀* and 于海峰*.准晶在软物质中的研究进展.液晶与显示,1-17,2024,10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0294 Ao Zhang*, Ruijuan Liao, Xiaoli Song, Siming Xie, Ting Geng, Gaojun Jia, Chunxiu Zhang*, Yi Fang* and Haifeng Yu*.Theoretical Study on Structural Stability and Electronic Properties of CH3NH3PbI3/ZnO Heterojunction.Chemical Physics Letters,856,141632,2024,10.1016/j.cplett.2024.141632 Xingtang Xu, Chonghua Li, Wenjing Chen, Jie Feng, Wen-Ying Li*, Guojie Wang* and Haifeng Yu*.Visible Light Activated Dendrimers for Solar Thermal Energy Storage and Release Below 0 °C.Journal of Materials Chemistry A,12,23723-23731,2024,10.1039/d4tA2024a04022h Yufan Ji and Haifeng Yu*.Manipulation of Photoresponsive Liquid-Crystalline Polymers and Their Applications: from Nanoscale and to Macroscale.Journal of Materials Chemistry C,12,10246-10266,2024,10.1039/D4TC02213K Maoxin Zhang, Ruijuan Liao, Ao Zhang, Yi Fang, Xiaoli Song, Mingsi Xie, Chunxiu Zhang*, Yuwen Feng* and Haifeng Yu*.Design of Bipolar Transport D-A Discotic Liquid Crystals Based on Triphenylene and Perylene Cores: Effect of the Chain Length of Ester Groups.Jouranl of Molecular Liquids,409,125502,2024,10.1016/j.molliq.2024.125502 Maoxin Zhang, Ruijuan Liao, Ao Zhang, Yi Fang, Mingsi Xie, Xiaoli Song, Chunxiu Zhang*, Huanzhi Yang* and Haifeng Yu*.Optoelectronic Properties of Ambipolar Transport Triphenylene-Perylene Donor-Acceptor Discotic Liquid Crystals.New Journal of Chemistry,48,11173-11182,2024,10.1039/d4nj00829d Peng Zhang, Guojie Wang* and Haifeng Yu*.UV-Vis-NIR Light-Responsive Soft Materials: Fabrication, Photomechanical Deformation and Applications.Responsive Materials,2,e20240016,2024,10.1002/rpm.20240016 Xinyue Zhao, Chenhui Wei, Fuzhou Wang, Xinran Zhang, Jianchuang Wang, Mengfei Wang, Maoxin Zhang, Chunxiu Zhang*, Erqiang Chen* and Haifeng Yu*.Frank-Kasper Phases in Charge Transfer Complexes Enable Tunable Photoelectronic Properties.Soft Matter,20,5212-5220,2024,10.1039/d4sm00357h Yufan Ji, Tianfu Song* and Haifeng Yu*.Assembly-Induced Dynamic Structural Color in a Host-Guest System for Time-Dependent Anticounterfeiting and Double-Lock Encryption.Angewandte Chemie International Edition,63,e202401208,2024,10.1002/anie.202401208 Haifeng Yu*, Hui Liu and Takaomi Kobayashi.Fabrication and Photoresponse of Supramolecular Liquid-Crystalline Microparticles.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,3,1333-1340,2024,10.1021/am2001289
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