
Basic Information

School/Department:School of Earth and Space Sciences
Administrative Position:Assistant Professor Professional Title:Assistant Professor
Degree:Doctoral degree


Research Overview:

Dr. Zeng’s research interests relate to the development of theories and algorithms in two fundamental areas of atmospheric remote sensing: (1) radiative transfer and (2) inverse modeling/satellite retrieval. He led the algorithm development for the JPL-built instrument CLARS-FTS to measure atmospheric trace gases and air pollutants in the Los Angeles megacity, and a JPL-funded research and technology development project to investigate the feasibility for boundary layer measurements of atmospheric isotopologues. Currently, he is leading a research group at PKU to develop a synergetic remote sensing algorithm system that combines the strengths of multiple data sources and radiation/scattering model constraints to get accurate and comprehensive information about atmospheric trace gases from current and future LEO and GEO satellites, including China’s Fengyun series satellites.

Ten Representative Publications:

Full publication list:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhao-Cheng-Zeng

[10] Zeng, Z.-C.*, V. Natraj, F. Xu, S.Chen, F.-Y. Gong, T. Pongetti, K. Sung, G. Toon, S. P. Sander, and Y. L. Yung, (2021). GFIT3: A full physics retrieval algorithm for remote sensing of greenhouse gases in the presence of aerosols. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-14-6483-2021. [PDF Download]
A full-physics algorithm was developed to retrieve greenhouse gases in the presence of aerosols from spectra of reflected solar radiation.

[09] Zeng, Z.-C.*, B. Byrne*, F.-Y. Gong, Z. He, L. Lei, (2021). Correlation between paddy rice growth and satellite-observed methane column abundance does not imply causation. Nature Communication. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-21434-7. [PDF Download]
We demonstrated that combining satellite observations and model simulations in a data assimilation system is needed to infer rice paddy methane emissions in Monsoon Asia.

[8] Zeng, Z.-C.*, Y. Wang, T. Pongetti, F.-Y. Gong, S. Newman, Y. Li, V. Natraj, et al., (2020). Tracking the Atmospheric Pulse of a North American Megacity from a Mountain-top Remote Sensing Observatory, Remote Sensing of Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2020.112000. [PDF Download]
Highlighted by JPL Science Division
We showed the interesting diurnal, weekly, and seasonal cycles of XCO excess in southern California.

[07] Zeng, Z.-C.*, Xu, F., Natraj, V., Pongetti, T.J., Shia, R.L., Zhang, Q., Sander, S.P. and Yung, Y.L., (2020). Remote sensing of angular scattering effect of aerosols in a North American megacity. Remote Sensing of Environment, 242, 111760. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2020.111760. [PDF Download]
We showed the distinctive aerosol's optical effect when observing from different angles, which may imply aerosol compositions

[06] Zeng, Z.-C.*, Chen, S., Natraj, V., Le, T., Xu, F., Merrelli, A., Crisp, D., Sander, S.P. and Yung, Y.L., (2020). Constraining the vertical distribution of coastal dust aerosol using OCO-2 O2 A-band measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 236, 111494. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2019.111494. [PDF Download]
Highlighted by JPL Science Division
A spectral-sorting approach to locate the aerosol layer is developed for OCO-2

[05] He, L., Zeng, Z.-C. (co-first author), Pongetti, T.J., Wong, C., Liang, J., Gurney, K.R., Newman, S., Yadav, V., Verhulst, K., Miller, C.E. and Duren, R., (2019). Atmospheric methane emissions correlate with natural gas consumption from residential and commercial sectors in Los Angeles. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(14), pp.8563-8571. DOI:10.1029/2019GL083400. [PDF Download]
Highlighted by Caltech News
Highlighted by JPL Science Division
Natural-gas leaks are important source of greenhouse gas emissions in Los Angeles

[04] Zeng, Z.-C.*, Natraj, V., Xu, F., Pongetti, T.J., Shia, R.L., Kort, E.A., Toon, G.C., Sander, S.P. and Yung, Y.L., (2018). Constraining aerosol vertical profile in the boundary layer using hyperspectral measurements of oxygen absorption. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(19), 10-772. DOI:10.1029/2018GL079286. [PDF Download]
Highlighted by JPL Science Division
A novel method to detect the height of air pollutant layer in cities is proposed based on high resolution observation of oxygen absorption

[03] Zeng, Z.-C.*, Zhang, Q., Natraj, V., Margolis, J.S., Shia, R.L., Newman, S., Fu, D., Pongetti, T.J., Wong, K.W., Sander, S.P. and Wennberg, P.O., (2017). Aerosol scattering effects on water vapor retrievals over the Los Angeles Basin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(4), 2495-2508. DOI:10.5194/acp-2016-490. [PDF Download]
The scattering effects by aerosols show distinctive signatures on water measurements which can be used to infer aerosol properties.

[02] Zeng, Z.-C.*, Lei, L., Strong, K., Jones, D.B., Guo, L., Liu, M., Deng, F., Deutscher, N.M., Dubey, M.K., Griffith, D.W. and Hase, F., (2017). Global land mapping of satellite-observed CO2 total columns using spatio-temporal geostatistics. International Journal of Digital Earth, 10(4), 426-456. DOI:10.1080/17538947.2016.1156777. [PDF Download]
Filling the gaps in satellite observed CO2 columns and generating continuous Level-3 maps

[01] Zeng, Z.-C.*, Lei, L., Hou, S., Ru, F., Guan, X. and Zhang, B., (2013).A Regional Gap-Filling Method Based on Spatio-temporal Variogram Model of CO2 Columns. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(6), 3594-3603. DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2013.2273807. [PDF Download].
This study introduced the application of spatio-temporal geostatistics to analyze the CO2 columns observed from space


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