
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 曾获荣誉
  • [Student Honors] '19 PH.D. student, Mr. Yin Liang (BEST POSTER AWARD in the Poster sessions of ChinaNANO 2023)

  • [Student Scholarship] '20 PH.D. student, Mr. Jiepeng Song (President Scholarship of PKU)

  • [Student Scholarship] '21 PH.D. student, Mr. Chun Li (Tongcheng Second Class Scholarship of PKU)

  • [Student Scholarship] '19 PH.D. student, Mr. Yin Liang (President Scholarship of PKU)

  • [Student Scholarship] '18 PH.D. student, Mrs. Liyun Zhao (Second Class Scholarship of PKU, Merit student of PKU)

  • [Student Scholarship] '17 PH.D. student, Mr. Qiuyu Shang (National Scholarship, President Scholarship and Dean Scholarship of PKU)

  • World's Top 2% Scientists(2020)

  • 北京市杰出青年基金(2021)

  • 纳米研究青年科学家奖(NR45, 2021)

  • 英国物理学会J. Phy. D: Appl. Phy.期刊Emerging Leader(2021)

  • 斯坦福大学全球顶尖科学家(2020)

  • 英国皇家化学会J. Mater. Chem. C期刊EmergingInvestigator(2019)

  • 中国化学会纳米化学新锐奖(2018)