My main interest is in knowledge engineering and software engineering in general, and knowledge graphs, self-adaptive systems, and deep learning in particular. I am very interested in knowledge-based software engineering, and I am looking into how human’s domain knowledge is helping to elicit the requirements, to design and implement the systems.
Current Research Interests
Self-Adaptive Software in the Human, Cyber-Physical Systems
Crowd based Requirements Engineering and Software Development
Learning from both the Natural Language and Programming Language
Selected Recent Publications [DBLP | Google Scholar]
Modular Tree Network for Source Code Representation Learning (TOSEM, accepted)
A Self-Attentional Neural Architecture for Code Completion with Multi-Task Learning (ICPC 2020, ACM Distinguished Paper Award)
Detecting Code Clones with Graph Neural Network and Flow-Augmented Abstract Syntax Tree (SANER 2020)
Privacy-Aware UAV Flights through Self-Configuring Motion Planning (ICRA 2020)
Generating Adversarial Examples for Holding Robustness of Source Code Processing (AAAI 2020)
Companies' Participation in OSS Development - An Empirical Study of OpenStack (IEEE TSE 2020)
Automating Consistency Verification of Safety Requirements for Railway Interlocking Systems (RE'19)
POET: Privacy on the Edge with Bidirectional Data Transformations (PerCom 2019)
Smart Contract-Based Negotiation for Adaptive for QoS-Aware Service Composition (IEEE TPDS 2019)
Deep code comment generation with hybrid lexical and syntactical information (EMSE 2019)
Code Generation as a Dual Task of Code Summarization (NeurIPS 2019)
IntelliMerge: a refactoring-aware software merging technique (OOPSLA 2019)
Towards Better Summarizing Bug Reports with Crowdsourced Attributes (IEEE TR 2019)
Simplifying the Formal Verification of Safety Requirements in Zone Controllers through Problem Frames and Constraints based Projection (IEEE TITS 2018)
Deep Code Comment Generation (ICPC 2018, ACM Distinguished Paper Award)
Summarizing Source Code with Transferred API Knowledge (IJCAI 2018)
Stimergy-Based Construction of Internetware Artifacts (IEEE Software 2015)